How to repel mosquitoes?

There are three categories of mosquito repellents: chemical solutions, natural-based compounds, and electronic products. Chemical repellents like DEET are effective but can be harmful, while natural solutions like citronella oil and garlic tablets are less harmful but may not be as effective. Electronic options like bug zappers can remove some mosquitoes, but prevention methods like […]

How do mosquitoes locate prey?

Scientists have studied the parasitic habits of mosquitoes to develop repellents that work well. Mosquitoes are attracted to heat, humidity, and carbon dioxide, but repellents confuse their biological radar, making them insensitive to carbon dioxide. Female mosquitoes need to suck the blood of animals to survive. As part of efforts to develop mosquito repellents, scientists […]

Which hues lure mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors and choose who to bite based on sight and sense of smell, targeting those who produce more carbon dioxide. Beer, human blood, and Limburger cheese also attract mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are more attracted to dark colors such as black, red or blue because these darker shades are more visually conspicuous […]

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