Did Australia force adoptions for unmarried mothers?

Australia practiced forced adoption for unmarried mothers from the 1930s to the early 1980s, with up to 250,000 affected. Single women were drugged or deceived into signing adoption agreements. The government issued apologies in 2010 and 2013, and has pledged $11.5 million for victims. Annual adoptions peaked at nearly 10,000 in 1972, and an estimated […]

Best Mother’s Day desserts: how to choose?

Choosing the best Mother’s Day desserts involves considering dietary restrictions, making or purchasing mom’s favorite dessert, and choosing recipes that are easy to prepare or don’t require many ingredients. Stick a note on the dessert box to indicate the ingredients. Options include dessert pizza, crepes, tiramisu cheesecake, truffles, and s’mores brownies. Choosing the best Mother’s […]

Is hair loss hereditary from mother’s side?

Hair loss, or androgenetic alopecia, is believed to be inherited from either parent, not just the maternal side. The cause of hair loss is still not well understood, but research is ongoing to identify the responsible genes. Hair loss is a condition in which hair, usually on the crown of the head, begins to fall […]

Cards & flowers on Mother’s Day: tradition?

Anna Jarvis campaigned for years to make Mother’s Day an official holiday, which Congress passed in 1914. However, she fought a losing battle to keep the holiday from being commercialized and died alone, blind, and penniless. Mother’s Day has become highly profitable, with consumer spending projected to reach $23.6 billion in 2017. In the late […]

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