Any country with multiple presidents?

Bosnia and Herzegovina has three presidents, one Bosniak, one Croat and one Serb, who serve together for four years and alternate as head of state. Other countries with collective presidencies include Switzerland and San Marino. Although many countries have a president and a prime minister, Bosnia and Herzegovina has three presidents at the same time. […]

What’s a multiple?

Car engines have intake and exhaust manifolds that provide fuel/air mixture and collect exhaust, respectively. Intake manifolds create a vacuum that can power other engine elements, while exhaust manifolds consist of headers and manifolds. Manifold failure is common due to heat. Car engines are complex pieces of machinery with countless moving parts that facilitate combustion, […]

What’s a market multiple?

Market multiple is the price/earnings ratio that compares a company’s stock price to its earnings per share. It helps investors predict future stock price movements and make decisions based on the multiple earnings approach. However, it can be flawed due to accounting manipulations and non-cash expenses. A market multiple is another name for the price/earnings […]

What’s the mini multiple interview?

The mini multiple interview (MMI) is a candidate evaluation system developed by McMaster University, consisting of several eight-minute interviews with multiple interviewers at different stations to assess candidates’ personal skills and aptitude for the job. The method has resulted in greater accuracy of candidate predictions and has been adopted by other academic institutions, companies, and […]

Prevent counterfeiting on multiple sites?

Cross-site forgery attacks trick web browsers into sending unauthorized commands to a remote server, and can be prevented by logging out of websites and using randomly generated tokens. Referrer checking and relying on cookies is not effective. Web developers should require a one-time token for user requests, and users should disable persistent login options. A […]

Prevent counterfeiting on multiple sites?

Cross-site forgery (XSRF or CSRF) is a website exploit that tricks a browser into sending unauthorized commands to a remote server. It can be prevented by logging out of websites, using randomly generated tokens, and avoiding referrer checking or relying on cookies. Web developers can prevent it by requiring a one-time token and requiring re-entry […]

What is “multiple inheritance”?

Multiple inheritance in OOP languages refers to a class inheriting functionality from more than one parent class. It allows for unique entities to inherit properties from different classes, avoiding the need to copy code. Not all languages support it, and it’s important to understand class basics before using it. Multiple inheritance, when referring to object-oriented […]

What’s multiple organ dysfunction syndrome?

Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) is a spectrum of clinical symptoms and signs caused by an infection that leads to sepsis and septic shock, putting strain on organs and causing dysfunction. Patients require hospitalization and medical support to recover. Organs involved may include the liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, and gastrointestinal tract. Critical care nurses may […]

What’s Multiple Myeloma?

Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cancer that affects plasma cells in the bone marrow, accounting for 1% of all cancers. Symptoms include bone pain, fatigue, and abnormal proteins in the blood. Treatment options include medication and stem cell transplants. Recurrence is common, and the cause is unknown. Multiple myeloma is a type of […]

What’s multiple ovulation?

Multiple ovulation can occur when two eggs are released within a 24-hour period, resulting in the possibility of fraternal twins. However, a woman cannot get pregnant twice in one cycle. Hyperovulation runs in families, and women over 35 tend to ovulate more than once. Typically, a woman ovulates only once a month, but there are […]

Pros & cons of multiple sound cards?

Multiple sound cards in a computer can provide versatility, but can also cause problems such as confusion for basic users and difficulty switching audio output sources. However, it allows for playing two audio feeds in different speakers simultaneously. Downsides include crowding and cluttering workstations, and the need to switch between sound cards. Some computers have […]

Prognosis of multiple myeloma?

The prognosis for multiple myeloma varies based on the stage of cancer, with early stages having a higher chance of recovery. Treatment options include chemotherapy and radiation, with experimental treatments also available. Other factors that influence prognosis include patient health, age, and initial response to treatment. Without treatment, life expectancy can be as short as […]

Life expectancy for multiple myeloma?

Multiple myeloma life expectancy varies depending on factors such as stage of diagnosis and treatment effectiveness. Early diagnosis can improve life expectancy, and bone marrow transplants may be successful in early stages. Symptoms include bone pain, anemia, and thinning bones. Chemotherapy and radiation are typical treatments. The disease is rare and diagnosed through tests such […]

Multiple Nobel Prizes: Has anyone achieved this?

The Nobel Prize has been awarded since 1901 for achievements in various fields. Linus Pauling is the only person to have won two unshared Nobel Prizes, while Marie Curie is the only woman to have won two. The International Committee of the Red Cross has won the Nobel Peace Prize three times. The prizes are […]

What’s a multiple pregnancy?

Multiple gestation is when two or more fetuses are conceived in the same woman at the same time. It can be caused by fertility treatments or occur naturally. The mother faces more risks and complications, including premature birth and the need for specialized prenatal care. Multiple gestation, or multiple pregnancy, occurs when two or more […]

Multiple bank accounts insured up to FDIC limits?

The FDIC insures certain types of bank accounts in the US up to $250,000 per insured banking institution, per account category. The coverage is determined based on ownership, and each person can have $250,000 in coverage across all individual accounts at a bank. Special cases and exceptions exist, and seeking outside help is recommended to […]

Causes of multiple miscarriages?

Multiple miscarriages can be caused by chromosomal, hormonal, uterine, immune, or environmental factors. Chromosomal abnormalities are the most common cause in the first trimester, while hormonal imbalances and uterine abnormalities can also play a role. Immunological issues and chronic health conditions can also increase the risk of miscarriage. Women should work with their doctors to […]

What’s multiple epiphyseal dysplasia?

Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia is an inherited disease that causes abnormal growth of long bones, leading to joint pain, inflammation, and malformations. Treatment aims to relieve pain and prevent further joint damage, with options including pain relievers, physical therapy, and surgery. Most affected individuals can lead normal lives. Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED) is an inherited disease […]

Symptoms of multiple personality disorder?

Multiple personality disorder, or dissociative personality disorder, is a mental illness where a person develops more than one distinct personality, which can control their behavior. It may be caused by childhood trauma, and alters can have different handwriting, tastes, and engage in risky behavior. Treatment includes psychotherapy, medication, and hypnosis. Multiple personality disorder, also known […]

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