Why did Napoleon fail in invading Russia?

New evidence suggests that typhoid, spread by lice, was the main cause of the deaths of French soldiers during Napoleon’s invasion of Russia in 1812, rather than the harsh winter or Russian people. Prior to this discovery, historians believed that the French army withdrew due to the citizens of Moscow burning the city or the […]

Furry animals attacked Napoleon, which group?

Napoleon Bonaparte was once charged by rabbits while hunting, mistaking him for their keeper. He had little sense of humor and only associated with those who could advance his career. He requested a code for soldiers to read without light, and offered a prize for food preservation methods. He admired George Washington and ordered 10 […]

Napoleon Bonaparte’s height?

Napoleon was not unusually short, but rather an average height for his time, possibly 5’7″. Descriptions of him as smaller were likely due to differences in inches. He was born into a family of minor Italian nobility and was of normal weight in his youth. Historians have often portrayed Napoleon Bonaparte as unusually short, although […]

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