NASA or AC in Iraq & Afghanistan: What costs US more?

The US government spends $20.2 billion annually on air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan, more than NASA’s entire budget of $19 billion. High temperatures and fuel costs contribute to the expense. The US government spends more money on air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan – about 20.2 billion US dollars (USD) annually – than it […]

NASA research impact on my life?

NASA research has led to many inventions that benefit daily life, including MRI technology, laser eye surgery, smoke detectors, ergonomically designed furniture, and memory foam. These inventions have improved medicine, safety, and comfort. Despite the high cost of space exploration, the benefits to society make it a worthwhile investment. There is ongoing speculation about funding […]

What’s NASA?

NASA is a US government agency that manages the civilian space program. Its mission is to advance human understanding of the universe and improve aviation capabilities. Founded in 1958, it has sent manned and unmanned flights to the moon and other planets, collected data, and conducted scientific experiments. It also works on making space more […]

NASA clean rooms microbe-free?

NASA is preparing for human exploration of Mars, but is concerned about contaminating the planet with Earth’s bacteria. A new study has identified bacteria, including Acinetobacter, that can survive industrial solvents used for cleaning. Acinetobacter has been found on the Mars Odyssey orbiter, the Mars Phoenix lander, and outside the International Space Station. At NASA, […]

Is NASA progressing well on Mars 2020 rover?

NASA’s Mars 2020 rover will launch in July 2020 and land on the Red Planet in February 2021 to collect rock and soil samples and search for signs of microbial life. A webcam called “Seeing 2020” allows viewers to watch the rover being assembled and tested at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The feed is available […]

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