What’s a Nat. Haz. Disclosure?

Natural hazard disclosure is a document that informs buyers if a property is located in an area prone to natural disasters. It is mandatory in some US states, including California, which has a comprehensive disclosure law. Failure to report potential disaster areas is considered fraud, and sellers may be held liable for damage caused during […]

What are nat. raw materials? (30 characters)

Natural raw materials are resources found in nature used to make products, including rocks, plants, petroleum, and animal products. Crude oil and natural gas are commonly used as fuel, while minerals and stones can be mined for various purposes. Trees and plants can be used for paper and fabrics. The term “natural” can refer to […]

What’s a nat. monopoly?

A natural monopoly is when one company has complete control over a market due to eliminating competition or achieving economies of scale. These are highly regulated by the government, and options for regulation range from letting the company regulate itself to public ownership. The existence of natural monopolies is debated among economists. A natural monopoly […]

What’s nat. gas deregulation?

Natural gas regulation was in place to protect customers from high energy prices, but deregulation began in 1935 to limit the market power of monopolies. Deregulation gave consumers more supplier options and lower prices, but oversupply and bundled plans caused issues until the 1990s. Many countries have since initiated natural gas deregulation. Natural gas regulation […]

Nat. sources of biotin?

Biotin can be found in natural sources such as eggs, dairy, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, eliminating the need for supplements. Animal products such as eggs and dairy are rich sources, while plant-based sources include leafy greens, nuts, and whole grains. Supplements are not strictly regulated in some countries, making natural sources a preferable option. […]

Nat. insecticides?

Natural insecticides like rotenone, pyrethrum, nicotine, neem oil, and soap are preferred over synthetic ones by organic gardeners. Rotenone and pyrethrum are broad-spectrum insecticides, while soap is less effective. All natural insecticides should be used with caution and as little as possible to maintain a healthy crop. Despite the desire and well-meaning efforts of many […]

What’s Nat Geo?

National Geographic is a non-profit magazine known for its in-depth articles on wildlife and the environment, and outstanding nature photography. It covers a wide range of topics, including politics and culture. The magazine has an international circulation of close to nine million and is read by over fifty million people each month. It also publishes […]

Nat. sources of Vit. E?

Natural foods like oils, spinach, broccoli, almonds, and tomatoes are rich sources of vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects the body from damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E deficiency is rare, but overdose can occur in people taking blood thinners. Although vitamin E supplements are sold in many health food stores, the best sources […]

What are nat. beauty pageants?

Natural beauty pageants emphasize natural appearance and inner beauty, with rules on makeup, hair, and clothing varying by age group. Contestants are encouraged to be themselves and showcase their personality. Criticisms of beauty pageants also apply to natural beauty pageants, but they aim to recognize diverse, natural beauty. Natural beauty pageants are beauty pageants designed […]

Org vs nat: what’s the diff?

Organic and natural are not the same. Organic foods meet strict regulations and are produced under regulated circumstances, while natural foods have no official definition or certification. Natural flavors can be made in labs and may not have nutritional value. Not too long ago, organic would have been defined as those things derived from plants […]

What’s Nat. Radioactivity?

Natural radioactivity includes cosmic radiation, earth radiation, and radiation from materials in the human body. Cosmic radiation creates subatomic particles and radioactive isotopes, including carbon-14 used in radiocarbon dating. Terrestrial radiation comes from isotopes of carbon, potassium, thorium, and uranium found in soil, rocks, and water. The human body also contains radioactive isotopes from terrestrial […]

Nat. vs. cult. pearls: what’s the diff?

Natural pearls form naturally in oysters, while cultured pearls are formed by human implantation of a nucleus. Natural pearls have thicker nacre layers and are often less iridescent than cultured pearls. Both types can be expensive and their appearance depends on water and food conditions. Bahrain is one of the few countries with divers searching […]

Nat. vs. cult. pearls: what’s the diff?

Natural pearls form naturally in oysters, while cultured pearls are formed by human implantation of a nucleus. Natural pearls have thicker nacre layers and are often less iridescent than cultured pearls. Both types can look different on the inside and are in demand, but most pearls sold today are cultured. Only one in 10,000 oysters […]

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