[ad_1] Neon Genesis Evangelion is a popular Japanese anime franchise consisting of 26 episodes and five films. It follows teenage pilots who battle monsters in futuristic Tokyo and incorporates philosophy, religious imagery, and Christian references. The series is credited with popularizing anime worldwide, particularly in the United States. Neon Genesis Evangelion, often abbreviated NGE, is […]
[ad_1] Neon is a noble gas used in neon signs and has many other applications, but is rare on Earth. It was discovered in 1898 and is identified by the symbol Ne. It is not dangerous unless in high concentrations. Neon is a colourless, odorless and tasteless chemical element. Many consumers are familiar with neon […]
[ad_1] Neon burning occurs in massive stars, converting neon into oxygen and magnesium and releasing light and heat. It takes only a few years and occurs after carbon burning but before oxygen burning. If a star has more than 8 solar masses, it will start burning neon, and if it continues to burn heavier nuclei, […]
[ad_1] Before neon lights, sign owners used floodlights or incandescent bulbs. Neon signs became popular in the 1910s and were used for advertising. They are made of glass tubes filled with noble gases and phosphors. Neon signs can be static or animated, but advances in electronics have made them less common. Some business owners still […]