What’s reflux nephropathy?

Reflux nephropathy is kidney damage caused by chronic backward flow of urine. It can be congenital or acquired, and risk factors include urinary tract abnormalities and recurring infections. Treatment varies depending on severity and damage. Tests and imaging are needed for diagnosis. Mild reflux can be treated with antibiotics and antihypertensive drugs, while severe cases […]

What’s analgesic nephropathy?

Analgesic nephropathy is a chronic kidney disease caused by taking too many pain medications over time, even low-strength over-the-counter pain relievers. Symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, and difficulty urinating. Avoiding pain relievers is the only way to prevent further kidney damage. Diagnosis involves evaluating physical symptoms and performing toxicology screens. Treatment involves stopping medication use, […]

What’s nephropathy?

Nephropathy is a kidney disease caused by various factors, including genetics, drugs, and diabetes. It can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. Treatment options include dialysis and kidney transplantation. Symptoms include difficulty urinating, blood in urine, and fatigue. Early intervention is crucial for a better prognosis. Nephropathy is a medical term used to […]

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