What’s an Artif. Neuron?

Artificial neurons attempt to emulate biological neurons in the human brain. They function by combining inputs and producing an output. Neural networks are used in crop protection systems and can adapt to varying conditions, becoming more efficient over time. Different types of artificial neurons have been developed, including semilinear neural networks and neuro-fuzzy models. An […]

What’s a Neuron?

Neurons are specialized cells that transmit information through neurotransmitters. They have a cell body, dendrites, and axons, and are classified as motor, sensory, or interneurons. They cannot divide or repair themselves, but the brain can adapt to damage. A neuron is a highly specialized cell capable of conducting information in the form of neurotransmitters, chemical […]

What’s an upper motor neuron injury?

An upper motor neuron carries signals from the brain to the spinal cord, and damage to this component can cause upper motor neuron syndrome, resulting in symptoms such as paralysis and spasticity. The Babinski reflex can also indicate an upper motor neuron injury, which can be caused by traumatic brain injury, cerebral vascular accidents, cerebral […]

What’s an upper motor neuron?

Upper motor neurons in the brain send motor information to the medulla or spinal cord, while lower motor neurons carry this information to muscles. Different pathways control different movements, with the pyramidal tract controlling conscious movement and extrapyramidal tracts controlling subconscious processes. Both upper and lower motor neurons must function properly for proper muscle movement. […]

What are motor neuron diseases? (38 characters)

Motor neuron diseases destroy cells responsible for controlling voluntary muscle actions, causing difficulty in walking, breathing, swallowing, and speaking. There are several types, including ALS, which affects men more due to X-linked genes. Symptoms include muscle weakness and wasting, difficulty swallowing, speaking, and breathing. There is no cure, but physical therapy and medication can help […]

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