[ad_1] A Newton hearing is a judicial process in British law where a judge acts as a jury to determine a conviction when a defendant pleads guilty but disputes the evidence. It originated from the 1982 case R v Newton, where a special hearing was arranged to determine the conviction of a defendant charged with […]
[ad_1] John Newton, author of “Amazing Grace,” had a paradoxical life. He was born in 1725 and sailed with his father as a young man. He was forced into naval service and served on a slave ship, where he converted to Christianity. He continued to work on slavers and eventually became a captain. After retiring, […]
[ad_1] Isaac Newton was more interested in religion than physics or mathematics, spending countless hours researching and writing about Christianity. He sought to discover the real truth about God and Jesus through the study of ancient manuscripts, but died before completing his five-volume account. Newton may have seen an apple fall from a tree, but […]
[ad_1] Sir Isaac Newton was born in England in 1643 and studied at Trinity College, Cambridge. He developed the basis for calculation and a new formula for pi. Newton researched optics, invented the reflecting telescope, and designed an electrostatic generator. He shifted his attention to mechanics and astronomy and wrote The Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, […]