Nonverbal learning disability: what is it?

Nonverbal learning disability affects a child’s ability to understand nonverbal communication and can lead to social and motor skill difficulties. It is often misdiagnosed as ADD, ADHD, or autism. Treatment involves routines, predictable environments, and behavioral and language therapies. Nonverbal learning disability, or disorder, is a learning condition in which the child has difficulty understanding […]

What’s Nonverbal Learning Disorder?

Nonverbal learning disorder (NLD) is a learning disability often confused with autism, but with highly verbal children. NLD children may have difficulty with non-verbal tasks, short-term memory, math, writing, and understanding written instructions. They may also have delays in fine and gross motor skills, and struggle with social interactions. Early intervention and adjustments in teaching […]

What’s Nonverbal Comm?

Nonverbal communication is the transfer of information without words, including body language, fashion, hand gestures, and facial signals. It can be universal or culturally dependent. Body language is studied and includes spatial distance and positioning. Fashion communicates belonging, social class, religion, and politics. Gestures are also a form of nonverbal communication, with some being universal. […]

What’s non-verbal language?

Nonverbal language includes more than just gestures and body language, it also includes what we don’t say and how we say things. It can convey up to 70% of communication and is important to consider when communicating with those who have nonverbal learning disorders. Different cultures may assign different meanings to body language and tone, […]

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