What’s the remittance notice?

A shipping notice confirms delivery of goods or services, states that they are satisfactory, and indicates payment will be submitted by a certain date. It can be simple or complex and serves as a cross-check for electronic payments. It was originally used to extend courtesy to valued business partners. A shipping notice is a document […]

What’s a Judicial Notice?

Judicial notice allows courts to accept certain facts and laws as irrefutable and conclusive, making trials faster and easier. It applies to facts in the public domain, easily verifiable information, and scientific facts deemed indisputable. Advance notice is required, and criminal and civil cases have different standards. In civil cases, judicial notice is considered completely […]

Dividend notice?

Dividend notices are formal processes that corporations follow to prepare for the record date of a stock dividend. Notification is provided to NASDAQ, allowing the stock market to set the ex-dividend date associated with the dividend. This benefits investors with pending transactions and helps the market function efficiently. A dividend notice is a formal process […]

What’s a Trusted Sale Notice?

A trustee is appointed by a court to hold property for the benefit of a beneficiary, often following foreclosure or bankruptcy proceedings. A Trust Sale Notice is required when the trustee intends to sell the property at auction, with specific requirements varying by jurisdiction. In foreclosure and bankruptcy sales, the highest bidder becomes the owner […]

30-day eviction notice: what is it?

An eviction notice is given to tenants who haven’t paid rent, giving them 30 days to pay before being removed from the building. Evictions rise during tough economic times and require court documentation. Discrimination cannot be used as grounds for eviction, and tenants can appeal the notice within 30 days. An eviction notice is a […]

What’s an eviction notice?

Eviction is a legal process that requires an official notice to quit. The notice must specify the violation and the time frame for correction. If the tenant does not comply, the landlord can file an eviction request. The notice must be served correctly and be unambiguous. Only a court official can physically remove a tenant […]

What’s a notice waiver?

A waiver of notice is a legal document that waives the right to formal notice. It does not affect other rights and can be used in various settings, such as will verification or emergency board meetings. Careful examination of the document is advised before signing, and boilerplate forms should be checked for regional appropriateness. A […]

What’s a public service notice?

Public service announcements (PSAs) are free ads from non-profit or government groups that inform and educate the public about health issues. They can be seen in print or broadcast media and often promote contact information for non-profit organizations that can provide help. PSAs are approved by a director and can appear during outbreaks of diseases. […]

What’s a disclaimer notice?

Disclaimers are common on websites and can be general or specific depending on the information provided. They protect businesses from liability and encourage people to seek professional advice. However, relying solely on internet information can be dangerous and individuals should always seek expert help. Some professionals, such as doctors, cannot issue disclaimers as they are […]

What’s a Hearing Notice?

A hearing notice is a confidential legal document used in US courts to inform individuals of government action against them. It varies by jurisdiction but usually includes the court, allegations, date, time, and place of the hearing. Respondents can represent themselves or seek legal representation. Delivery rules vary by notice type, and timely receipt is […]

What’s an Express Notice?

An explicit warning is a direct notification that provides clear and concise information about what a document contains and what actions should follow. It is commonly used in customer orders and business organizations to avoid misunderstandings and create a document trail. Also known as an effective warning, an explicit warning is a type of notification […]

What’s an arrival notice?

An arrival notice is a notification from a carrier or agent to inform the recipient that the shipment has arrived. It includes details of the goods received, charges, and may require advance notice for berthing. It helps expedite cargo handling and enables the carrier to take on additional cargo. Also known as an arrival notice, […]

What’s a non-liability notice?

A no-liability notice is a legal notice that informs the public that a property owner does not assume any legal responsibility for liabilities associated with an improvement project they have not ordered or supervised. The notice must be posted on the property, filed with the clerk or recorder, and may need to be published in […]

What’s an investment notice?

Investment advisory is a crucial part of professional money management, providing advice, insights, and research to decision-makers. Investment advisors recommend asset classes and recognize trends, and their relationship with money managers and investors is symbiotic. Professional money management is a service that encompasses more than just portfolio managers, it’s the decision makers for an investment […]

What’s a 1st day notice?

First day notice (FND) is the day buyers of futures contracts receive notice of delivery, warning them of the possibility of taking possession of the merchandise specified in the contract. Futures markets exist to transfer commodity price risk from hedgers to speculators, and most futures contracts require delivery as part of the expiration process. Traders […]

What’s a Wells notice?

A Wells notice is a letter informing a company of an investigation into possible financial or reporting violations, often used as the first step in enforcing regulatory laws. It includes information on the alleged violations and possible penalties, and failure to respond can result in civil penalties. Only publicly traded companies receive the notice. A […]

What’s a termination notice?

A notice of completion is a legal statement submitted by a contractor to inform interested parties that construction work on a project is complete, triggering a deadline for filing liens. It is advisable to file a notice of completion even if it is not required by law, as it provides protection for the contractor and […]

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