Nov 12th: What occurred?

Stalin became the Soviet Union’s leader, Ellis Island closed, and the first meteor shower in North America was recorded. MLB elected its first commissioner, and the first photos of Saturn’s rings were transmitted. The Battle of Guadalcanal began, and “The Nose” was climbed for the first time. President Ford became the longest-serving US president, and […]

Nov 29th: What occurred?

The UN approved the partition of Palestine in 1947, leading to the establishment of Israel. Other events include the first flight over the South Pole (1929), the Warren Commission investigating JFK’s assassination (1963), and the correction of “blue baby syndrome” surgically (1944). Pong was released in 1972, and the first settlement in Northern California was […]

Nov 21st: What occurred?

ARPNET, the first internet network, was established in 1969. Rebecca L. Felton became the first woman to serve in the US Senate in 1922. The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge opened in 1964. The first balloon flight took place in 1783. Oliver North ordered the destruction of incriminating documents in 1986. Einstein’s research on E=mc2 was published in […]

Nov 6th: What occurred?

The UN condemned apartheid in 1962, plutonium was created in 1944, Lincoln became the first Republican president in 1860, Naismith invented basketball in 1861, the US tested its largest hydrogen bomb in 1971, Meet the Press debuted in 1947, the Confederate Army surrendered in 1865, the first official college football game was played in 1869, […]

Nov 1st event?

The US detonated the first hydrogen bomb in 1952, Puerto Rican nationalists attempted to assassinate President Truman in 1950, and Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling fresco was opened for public exhibition for the first time in 1512. Other events include the Mackinac Bridge opening in 1957 and the world’s largest radio telescope being used for the […]

Nov 19th event?

Important events in history: Gettysburg Address delivered (1863), Jay Treaty signed (1794), Reagan-Gorbachev summit (1985), HMAS Sydney sunk (1941), Apollo 12 lands on moon (1969), Pennzoil wins lawsuit against Texaco (1985), Sixth Loan War announced (6), British National Lottery begins (1994), Bonnie and Clyde’s first robbery (1930), Milli Vanilli lose Grammy for lip-syncing (1990). The […]

Nov 19th: What occurred?

Important events in history include the Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln (1863), the signing of the Jay Treaty between the US and Great Britain (1794), the first summit meeting between Reagan and Gorbachev (1985), the sinking of HMAS Sydney and HSK Kormoran (1941), the Apollo 12 mission landing on the moon (1969), Pennzoil winning a […]

Nov 16th event?

US-Soviet diplomatic relations established (1933); Benazir Bhutto elected first female Muslim leader (1988); Venera 3 lands on Venus (1965); Oklahoma becomes 46th US state (1907); Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act signed (1973); Skylab 4 launched (1973); Dostoyevsky sentenced to death (1849); US secretly brings German scientists to develop rocket technology (1945); Clinton visits Vietnam (2000); Allies […]

Nov 30th event?

The Brady Bill was signed into law, requiring background checks for handgun buyers. The Green River killer was arrested and sentenced to life in prison. The American Revolutionary War ended with the Treaty of Paris. Operation Desert Storm officially ended. The WTO meeting in Seattle was disrupted by protesters. The Flying Scotsman set a land […]

Nov 8th: What occurred?

X-rays were discovered by German scientist Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen in 1895. The Civil Works Administration was established by US President Franklin Roosevelt in 1933 to create jobs during the Great Depression, but was terminated in 1934. Hitler’s failed coup attempt, the “Beer Hall Putsch,” took place in 1923. The Murder Act 1965 abolished the death […]

Nov 4th: What occurred?

Obama became the first black US president. The US conducted its last atmospheric nuclear test. The first cash register was patented. The Hungarian uprising ended brutally. The first female governor in the US was elected. Iranian students took over the US embassy. King Tut’s tomb was discovered. The NSA was established. Hitler founded the SA. […]

Nov 20th event?

Nuremberg Trials began (1945) with 24 Nazi leaders tried for war crimes. My Lai Massacre photos published (1969), exposing US army atrocities. Microsoft Windows® 1.0 released (1985). New Jersey ratified Bill of Rights (1789). Zarya module launched for International Space Station (1998). Mexican Revolution began (1910). Three-position traffic light patented (1923). Sinking of the Essex […]

Nov 5th: What occurred?

Saddam Hussein and two others were sentenced to death for crimes against humanity, Susan B. Anthony cast an illegal vote in the US presidential election, the first US patent for an automobile was awarded, a writer’s strike halted Hollywood, the “Gunpowder Plot” was thwarted, Hitler announced his plan for “living space”, FDR was elected to […]

Nov 25th event?

The Hollywood 10 were blacklisted for alleged communist ties, while Alfred Nobel patented dynamite and used the proceeds to found the Nobel Prizes. The Iran-Contra affair was exposed, and The Mousetrap opened in London. The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was established, and the last British military installation in the US […]

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