Nov 9th event?

Berlin Wall falls (1989), Kristallnacht attacks occur (1938), US President Roosevelt visits Panama Canal (1906), Northeast Blackout of 1965 occurs, US Supreme Court declines to hear case questioning legality of Vietnam War (1970), brokerage firms ordered to pay $1.03 billion to defrauded investors (1998), Treaty of Seville signed ending Anglo-Spanish War (1729), The Atlantic Monthly […]

Nov 18th: What occurred?

Jim Jones led a mass murder-suicide of over 900 members of the Peoples Temple in Jonestown, Guyana. Railroads established time zones in North America in 1883, later becoming law in 1918. The first push-button telephone was commercially available in 1963. Spain became a democracy in 1976 after the death of dictator Francisco Franco. William Tell […]

Nov 14th, what occurred?

Dow Jones closed above 1,000 for the first time (1972), US government shut down due to budget deadlock (1995), first US streetcar in operation (1832), Apollo 12 launched (1969), Battle of la Drang began (1965), Sedna discovered (2003), Iranian assets frozen by President Carter (1979), Nellie Bly began trip around the world (1889), BBC radio […]

Nov 15th: What occurred?

The stock ticker was invented in 1867, the Articles of Confederation were passed in 1777, Wendy’s opened in 1969, the first microprocessor was introduced in 1971, and a peaceful protest against the Vietnam War occurred in 1969. Other events include the discovery of Pike’s Peak in 1806, the introduction of the Fairtrade label in 1988, […]

Nov 3rd: What occurred?

US-Iran-Contra scandal exposed by Lebanese magazine in 1986. Washington DC residents allowed to vote in US presidential election for the first time in 1964. First Opium War between UK and China began in 1839. US establishes permanent income tax in 1913. Soviet Union launches first living animal, Laika, into orbit in 1957. Allied victory in […]

Nov 10th: What occurred?

The Vietnam Memorial opened in Washington DC, Kate Smith sang God Bless America for the first time, the Iwo Jima Memorial was dedicated, the US Marine Corps was founded, the first coast-to-coast direct telephone service was established, the Wilmington Uprising occurred, the end of World War I was announced, the windshield wiper was patented, Major […]

Nov 13th: What occurred?

The US Supreme Court ended public bus segregation in Montgomery, Alabama (1956). Mariner 9 became the first spacecraft to orbit Mars (1971). President George W. Bush allowed military courts to prosecute foreign suspects (2001). The AK-47 assault rifle was completed (1947). Cyclone Bhola hit Bangladesh, resulting in 500,000 deaths (1970). Iraq accepted UN Resolution 1441 […]

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