What’s Clinical Obstetrics?

Clinical obstetrics involves caring for pregnant women and the fetus. Physicians who practice obstetrics and gynecology receive in-depth training and must understand both the mother’s body and the developing fetus. The specialty can be rewarding, but unpredictable hours and high malpractice insurance rates should be considered. Clinical obstetrics is the study of pregnant women and […]

What’s obstetrics?

Obstetrics is a medical area focused on pregnancy and childbirth. Obstetricians provide prenatal care, monitor the fetus, and deliver the baby in the hospital. They also provide postpartum care for the mother and baby. Obstetricians often practice with gynecologists and must maintain licenses and certifications. Obstetrics is the medical area that deals with the care […]

Obstetrics & Gynecology: What is it?

Obstetrics focuses on childbirth and pregnancy care, while gynecology is focused on general female health care and reproductive organs. There are many subspecialties within these fields, and practitioners can be called obstetricians or gynecologists. Medical training and additional residency is required for specialization. Midwifery is risky and has high malpractice insurance rates. Obstetrics and gynecology […]

Types of careers in obstetrics and gynecology?

Obstetrics and gynecology offer various career options, including becoming an OB-GYN, obstetrician, gynecologist, gynecologic oncologist, or reproductive endocrinologist. These doctors may work in private practice, public clinics, or medical schools. There are several different career options in obstetrics and gynecology. A person who decides to pursue a career in this field might become a primary […]

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