Roswell, NM: What occurred?

The 1947 Roswell incident, where unidentified materials were collected, sparked rumors of a UFO crash. The US government denied this, but interest in the event grew, leading to a boom in tourism for Roswell. For many people around the world, hearing the name Roswell immediately conjures up images of extraterrestrial activity. Known internationally as the […]

What occurred on Mar 9?

Roosevelt introduced the Emergency Banking Act, beginning 100 days of New Deal legislation (1933). Barbie made her debut at the American Toy Fair (1959). Villa attacked New Mexico (1916). Other events include the Amistad mutiny ruling (1841), Puyi becoming a puppet emperor for Japan (1932), Svetlana Stalin’s defection (1967), Edward R. Murrow criticizing Senator McCarthy […]

Nov 12th: What occurred?

Stalin became the Soviet Union’s leader, Ellis Island closed, and the first meteor shower in North America was recorded. MLB elected its first commissioner, and the first photos of Saturn’s rings were transmitted. The Battle of Guadalcanal began, and “The Nose” was climbed for the first time. President Ford became the longest-serving US president, and […]

What occurred on Mar 11th?

Lend-Lease bill signed by President Roosevelt (1941), blizzard of 1888 hits US, Gorbachev chosen to lead USSR (1985), Queen Anne vetoes Scottish Militia Bill (1708), McCartney knighted (1997), Roxy Theater opens (1927), Frankenstein published (1818), first British newspaper published (1702), COPS debuts on FOX (1989), Fleming dies (1955). President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Lend-Lease bill […]

Nov 29th: What occurred?

The UN approved the partition of Palestine in 1947, leading to the establishment of Israel. Other events include the first flight over the South Pole (1929), the Warren Commission investigating JFK’s assassination (1963), and the correction of “blue baby syndrome” surgically (1944). Pong was released in 1972, and the first settlement in Northern California was […]

Oct 31st: What occurred?

Indira Gandhi was assassinated by Sikh extremists in 1984. Martin Luther published his “95 theses” in 1517, beginning the Protestant Reformation. Nevada became the 36th state in 1864. President Johnson halted bomb attacks in North Vietnam in 1968. The Lincoln Highway was dedicated in 1913. The disarmament crisis in Iraq began in 1998. Stalin’s body […]

Apr 19th: What occurred?

The American Revolution began with the “Shot Heard Round the World” in 1775. Other events include the Oklahoma City bombing, Marie Antoinette’s marriage, Pope Benedict XVI’s election, and The Simpsons’ debut. The American Revolution began. (1775) “The Shot Heard Round the World” took place early in the morning in Lexington, Massachusetts, as 700 British soldiers […]

Oct 21st: What occurred?

Edison lit the first light bulb (1879), a kamikaze attack occurred (1944), Von Braun transferred to NASA (1959), Eris photographed (2003), Medicine Lodge treaties signed (1867), North Korea nuclear deal made (1994), Vietnam War protests (1967), USS Constitution launched (1797), Magellan discovered strait (1520), Nightingale sent to Crimean War (1854). Thomas Edison lit a light […]

What occurred on Mar 24th?

Koch discovered the tuberculosis bacillus in 1882, the Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred in 1989, Elvis Presley was drafted in 1958, Queen Elizabeth I died in 1603, NATO bombed Yugoslavia in 1999, the Quartering Act was passed in 1765, Joseph Smith was tarred and feathered in 1832, African-Canadians got the right to vote in 1837, […]

Apr 8th: What occurred?

Buddha’s birthday celebrated by Buddhists, WPA established by Congress, League of Nations had last meeting, ceasefire signed in Sudan, Venus de Milo discovered, Times Square named, first Alzheimer’s patient dies, celebrities sell war bonds, Hank Aaron breaks home run record, Entente Cordiale signed. Buddha is said to have been born. (564 BC) Although it is […]

July 3rd: what occurred?

Dow Jones releases first stock average (1884), Clinton denies sexual harassment allegations (1997), rock icons Brian Jones and Jim Morrison die at 27 (1969 and 1971), last pair of Alche Alche go extinct (1844), New York Tribune uses Linotype machine (1886), “Mallard” sets world speed record for steam locomotives (1938), Adresseavisen starts publication (1767), Idaho […]

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