Jan 2nd: what occurred?

Oil prices hit $100/barrel (2008), causing supply problems in the US. Lindberg child kidnapper convicted (1935). JFK announces presidential candidacy (1960). Duquesne spy ring members convicted (1942). Nixon creates national speed limit of 55mph (1974). Maria Callas exits performance (1958). 6,000 US citizens arrested for communism (1920). First female White House staffer hired (1890). Last […]

May 8th: what occurred?

VE Day celebrated (1945), smallpox eradicated (1980), USSR boycotts 1984 Olympics, AIM occupation of Wounded Knee ends (1973), Doctor No released (1963), first Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show (1877), Hernando de Soto reaches Mississippi River (1541), first eye bank opens (1944), Let it Be released (1970), Jean-Henri Dunant born (1828). VE Day was celebrated. (1945) […]

Apr 2nd: What occurred?

Woodrow Wilson declared war on Germany (1917); Tally’s Electric Theater opened in LA (1902); Pope John Paul II died (2005); US Mint founded (1792); John Gotti convicted (1992); Richmond Bread Riot occurred (1863); LexisNexis launched (1973); Ponce de Leon discovered Florida (1513); As the World Turns debuted (1956); first “panda” crossing opened in UK (1962). […]

What occurred on Mar 4th?

The US Constitution went into effect (1789), the Spanish flu was diagnosed (1918), Andrew Jackson held an open house (1829), John Lennon said the Beatles were ‘bigger than Jesus’ (1966), the FDA approved a blood test for AIDS (1985), the first socialist congressman was elected (1911), the American Automobile Association was founded (1902), Charlie Chaplin […]

Apr 11th: What occurred?

Einstein published his theory of relativity (1905), Truman relieved MacArthur of command (1951), Napoleon was exiled to Elba (1814), Iowa imposed the first state cigarette tax (1921), Lincoln made his last speech (1865), Buchenwald prisoners were liberated (1945), Civil Rights Act of 1968 was signed (1968), southern Ohio correctional facility rioted (1993), last death sentence […]

May 13th, what occurred?

Jamestown founded as the first European settlement in America (1607). Pope John Paul II shot but survived (1981). Velcro® trademark registered (1958). First Fleet sailed to Australia with criminals (1787). Our Lady of Fatima apparitions accepted by Catholic church (1917). Battle of the sexes tennis match played (1973). Julian of Norwich received her visions (1373). […]

Feb 12th: What occurred?

American POWs were released from Vietnam War (1973), Coolidge delivered first radio address (1924), last emperor of China abdicated (1912), women gained right to vote in Utah (1870), Lincoln Memorial cornerstone laid (1914), Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue” premiered (1924), San Francisco issued same-sex marriage licenses (2004), Solzhenitsyn exiled from Russia (1974), first spacecraft landed on […]

Prehistoric Britain: What occurred?

Prehistoric Britain refers to the time before the Roman invasion in AD 43. Humans lived there before the Last Glacial Maximum, and prehistoric Britons left behind large mounds and hill forts. Cup casting techniques were brought from Spain and Portugal, and the Bronze Age began in 2,150 BC. The Iron Age began in 750 BC, […]

Great Depression: what occurred?

The Great Depression was a severe economic and social crisis in the US and the world economy after the stock market crash in 1929. President Roosevelt’s New Deal policies helped the country recover, but the economy did not fully recover until World War II. The causes of the Great Depression are still debated by historians […]

Dec 8th, what occurred?

Vatican II became ecumenical law, NAFTA was signed, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was signed, John Lennon was killed, the Race Relations Act came into effect, coaxial cable was patented, the Immaculate Conception was declared, the Ambrosian Library opened, and the Broadway Theater began showing musicals. CBS’ I Love Lucy was the first show to […]

June 20th: what occurred?

The world’s first commercial telephone was installed by Alexander Graham Bell in 1877. Other events include the acquittal of Lizzie Borden, Muhammad Ali’s conviction being overturned, and the release of Jaws. Nicole Kidman and John Goodman were born. The world’s first commercial telephone is installed. (1877) Alexander Graham Bell installed telephone service in Hamilton, Ontario […]

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