Dec 27th: What occurred?

Darwin set sail on the HMS Beagle (1831), Fossey was killed in Rwanda (1985), Nation trashed her first bar (1900), ether was first used as an anesthetic (1845), the World Bank was founded (1945), USSR occupied Afghanistan (1979), Greater Poland uprising began (1918), West was banned from radio (1937), Indonesia became independent (1949), and the […]

Nov 14th, what occurred?

Dow Jones closed above 1,000 for the first time (1972), US government shut down due to budget deadlock (1995), first US streetcar in operation (1832), Apollo 12 launched (1969), Battle of la Drang began (1965), Sedna discovered (2003), Iranian assets frozen by President Carter (1979), Nellie Bly began trip around the world (1889), BBC radio […]

July 17th: what occurred?

Disneyland opened in California with over 600 million total visitors. TWA Flight 800 exploded, killing all 230 people on board. Woolworth Corp. closed its 400 remaining dime stores after 117 years. The Great Train Wreck of 1856 killed over 60 people. Spongebob Squarepants premiered on Nickelodeon. Harvard School of Dental Medicine opened. Disneyland opened in […]

June 16th: what occurred?

The first roller coaster was installed in Brooklyn in 1884, Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space in 1963, Roosevelt’s New Deal began in 1933, the first commercial aircraft hijacking occurred in 1948, Ford Motor Co. was incorporated in 1903, Bob Dylan recorded “Like a Rolling Stone” in 1965, Geronimo was born in 1829, […]

June 24th: What occurred?

The US Air Force denies that the Roswell incident involved alien bodies, while controversy and conspiracy theories continue. John Cabot saw North America in 1497, possibly Canada or Newfoundland. Germans in 1374 experienced St. John’s Dance, possibly caused by a poisonous mushroom. The Humber Bridge, once the longest suspension bridge, opened in 1981. O Canada […]

Oct 20th, what occurred?

The “Saturday Night Massacre” occurred in 1973 when President Nixon fired the Watergate special prosecutor. The House Judiciary Committee investigated Nixon for possible impeachment. Other historical events include the Hollywood blacklist, the Louisiana Purchase, the establishment of the US-Canada border, the creation of the Continental Association, the Cleveland gas explosion, the “Johnny Bright Incident,” the […]

Feb 23rd: What occurred?

Important events in history include the first mass polio vaccine (1954), printing of Gutenberg’s Bible (1455), production of commercially viable aluminum (1886), raising of the US flag on Iwo Jima (1945), Battle of the Alamo (1836), Lincoln’s assassination attempt (1861), lease of Guantanamo Bay to the US (1903), monitoring of US radio broadcasts by the […]

Apr 28th: What occurred?

Yellow fever vaccine created (1932). Mutiny on HMS Bounty (1789). Muhammad Ali refuses army draft (1967). iTunes store launched (2003). Dennis Tito becomes first space tourist (2001). Railway workers set track-laying record (1869). Mussolini executed (1945). International Congress of Women opens (1915). Kon-Tiki Raft expedition begins (1947). University of Santo Tomas founded (1611). The creation […]

Apr 29: What occurred?

Nixon released the Watergate tapes, Hitler married Eva Braun and committed suicide, riots erupted in LA over Rodney King verdict, Dachau liberated, first 3D TV episode aired, Hair opened on Broadway, Chemical Weapons Convention entered into force, Joan of Arc lifted siege in Orleans, William Randolph Hearst born, WWII Monument opened in DC. Nixon announced […]

May 17th: What occurred?

The Supreme Court rules segregation of public schools unconstitutional (1954). Watergate hearings begin, leading to Nixon’s resignation (1973). First legal same-sex marriage in the US (2004). Antikythera Mechanism discovered (1902). Louie Louie lyrics declared unintelligible (1965). WHO declares homosexuality not a mental illness (1990). Napoleon annexes papal states (1809). First Kentucky Derby held (1875). Megan’s […]

June 22nd: what occurred?

Kodachrome film was discontinued after 72 years, Galileo retracted his view, John Lennon’s killer pleaded guilty, and the US Supreme Court protected cross-burning as free speech. Other events include the creation of the DOJ, the lowering of the US voting age, and the signing of the GI Bill. Meryl Streep was born, Fred Astaire and […]

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