Dec 10th: What occurred?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the UN in 1948. Other events include women’s right to vote in the US (1869), the first Nobel prizes awarded (1901), King Edward VIII’s resignation (1936), and the Treaty of Paris ending the Spanish-American War (1898). The first road signs and traffic lights were installed in […]

Jan 23rd: What occurred?

Nixon announced peace in Vietnam (1973), the International Opium Convention was signed (1912), Elizabeth Blackwell became the first female doctor (1849), the Shaanxi earthquake killed over 800,000 (1556), Elva Zona Heaster’s ghost testimony led to her husband’s conviction (1897), the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inducted its first members (1986), the Frisbee® was invented […]

Oct 4th: What occurred?

Sputnik 1 launched (1957), Germany requested armistice in WWI (1918), US bank robbery (1997), first US Open golf tournament (1895), first commercial flight across Atlantic (1958), Mount Rushmore sculpture began (1927), Belgium declared independence (1830), Bible printed in English (1537), Orient Express began (1883), Pope Paul VI visited US (1965). The world’s first artificial orbiting […]

Nov 15th: What occurred?

The stock ticker was invented in 1867, the Articles of Confederation were passed in 1777, Wendy’s opened in 1969, the first microprocessor was introduced in 1971, and a peaceful protest against the Vietnam War occurred in 1969. Other events include the discovery of Pike’s Peak in 1806, the introduction of the Fairtrade label in 1988, […]

July 26th: what occurred?

Andrea Yates found not guilty by reason of insanity for drowning her five children. NASA launched Space Shuttle Discovery after the Columbia disaster. Jimmy Hoffa convicted of fraud and conspiracy, later disappeared. Greg Maddux struck out his 3,000th batter. The United States Postal Service was established. Grasshoppers destroyed crops in the Midwest. The first recorded […]

Nov 3rd: What occurred?

US-Iran-Contra scandal exposed by Lebanese magazine in 1986. Washington DC residents allowed to vote in US presidential election for the first time in 1964. First Opium War between UK and China began in 1839. US establishes permanent income tax in 1913. Soviet Union launches first living animal, Laika, into orbit in 1957. Allied victory in […]

Nov 10th: What occurred?

The Vietnam Memorial opened in Washington DC, Kate Smith sang God Bless America for the first time, the Iwo Jima Memorial was dedicated, the US Marine Corps was founded, the first coast-to-coast direct telephone service was established, the Wilmington Uprising occurred, the end of World War I was announced, the windshield wiper was patented, Major […]

June 18th: what occurred?

AIDS epidemic recognized by medical professionals in 1981, LP record introduced in 1948, Paul McCartney born in 1942, War of 1812 begins, Susan B. Anthony fined for attempting to vote in 1873, Sally Ride becomes first female astronaut in 1983, Unabomber indicted in 1996, International Declaration of Human Rights adopted in 1948, Charles Darwin prompted […]

Dec 24th: What occurred?

Christmas ceasefire in WWI as German soldiers decorate trenches with Christmas trees and sing carols. Henry Ford completes first useful gas engine. NORAD tracks Santa for first time. West Point cadets riot in “eggnog riot”. Library of Congress catches fire. Macy’s stays open until midnight for first time. Ku Klux Klan is born. Filming begins […]

Dec 17th: What occurred?

The Wright brothers made their first successful flight in 1903, France recognized American independence in 1777, President Roosevelt released Japanese Americans from internment camps in 1944, and the immigration station at Ellis Island opened in 1900. Other events include the first ATLAS missile launch in 1957, Stan Barrett breaking the sound barrier in 1979, the […]

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