Oct 7: What occurred?

The US invaded Afghanistan in response to the 9/11 attacks. The US may have intentionally provoked Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor. The Stamp Act Congress detailed grievances against England, leading up to the American Revolution. JFK signed the Partial Test Ban Treaty. Fox News debuted. Ford Motor Company’s mobile assembly line increased productivity. Cornell University […]

Dec 29th: What occurred?

Hong Kong culls poultry to prevent H1N1 spread, Wounded Knee massacre kills over 150 Sioux, Emma Snodgrass arrested for wearing pants, German Luftwaffe bombs London, first telegraph ticker used, Archbishop Thomas Becket assassinated, first transistor hearing aid launched, Sun Yat-Sen comes to power, first gas light used in White House, modern bowling ball invented. Hong […]

Feb 27th: What occurred?

Mardi Gras celebrations began in New Orleans in 1827, inspired by Parisian celebrations. Sit-down strikes were declared illegal by the Supreme Court in 1939. The Shanghai Communiqué was issued in 1972, a significant step towards a civil relationship between China and the US. Divorce became legal in Ireland in 1997. President George Bush announced the […]

Oct 26th: What occurred?

The USA PATRIOT Act was signed in response to 9/11, giving law enforcement more power. Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty in 1994. The OK Corral firefight took place in 1881. King George III authorized military force to end the American Revolution in 1775. An experimental baboon heart transplant was performed in 1984. Benjamin […]

Sep 16th: What occurred?

The Mayflower sailed to Virginia but landed in Massachusetts due to storms. The Oklahoma land rush saw settlers claim Native American land. President Ford offered amnesty to Vietnam War draft dodgers. The Montreal Protocol aimed to protect the ozone layer. Gandhi fasted to protest British class policies. A car bomb on Wall Street killed 38 […]

Mar 15th: What occurred?

Johnson signed a bill granting equal voting rights (1965), Caesar was assassinated (44 BC), South Carolina declared independence (1776), the first “.com” domain was registered (1984), Tsar Nicholas II abdicated (1917), Washington stopped a rebellion (1783), Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton married (1964), Charles II issued a religious freedom declaration (1672), The Godfather opened (1972), […]

June 19th: what occurred?

Father’s Day was first celebrated in 1910, slavery was outlawed in US territories in 1862, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination and allowed black citizens to vote, the Rosenburgs were executed for espionage in 1953, the first official baseball game was played in 1846, the FCC was established in 1934, the first Juneteenth […]

Nov 13th: What occurred?

The US Supreme Court ended public bus segregation in Montgomery, Alabama (1956). Mariner 9 became the first spacecraft to orbit Mars (1971). President George W. Bush allowed military courts to prosecute foreign suspects (2001). The AK-47 assault rifle was completed (1947). Cyclone Bhola hit Bangladesh, resulting in 500,000 deaths (1970). Iraq accepted UN Resolution 1441 […]

Feb 9th: What occurred?

Senator McCarthy sparked the Second Red Scare with claims of “known Communists” in the US government. The Beatles’ first live TV appearance set a record with over 70 million viewers. The US sent combat troops to Vietnam, causing global controversy. The luxury liner Normandy burned down. Joanne Woodward received the first Hollywood Walk of Fame […]

July 24th: what occurred?

Ted Bundy found guilty of murdering two college students, Lance Armstrong wins seventh Tour de France, US Capitol shooting kills two officers, James Traficant expelled from House of Representatives, SS Eastland capsizes killing 845, Ford reports worst quarterly earnings, first BASE jump at El Capitan, Machu Picchu rediscovered, Mary, Queen of Scots forced to cede […]

Apr 21st: What occurred?

Henry VIII became king of England and oversaw the split of the Anglican church. Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus. Student protests in Tiananmen Square led to the Tiananmen Square massacre. The Hutt River Province seceded from Australia. Maryland declared freedom of religion for all Christians. The film projector was first introduced in the […]

June 6th: what occurred?

D-Day invasion began with 155,000 Allied troops landing on Normandy coast (1944). US Securities and Exchange Commission created (1934). Senator Robert F. Kennedy assassinated (1968). Chrysler Corporation founded (1925). First US gas tax created (1932). First drive-in theater opens (1933). Basketball Association of America formed (1946). Bob Barker ends run as host of Price is […]

June 8th: what occurred?

James Earl Ray, Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassin, was caught in London in 1968. The US Supreme Court ruled that refusing service based on race is a crime in 1953. The PHP programming language was introduced in 1995. Other events include the retirement of Mickey Mantle’s uniform, the death of the Prophet Mohammed, and the […]

Oct 8th, what occurred?

Nixon’s peace proposal was rejected by North Vietnamese and Viet Cong negotiators, leading to five more years of the Vietnam War. OHS was established after the 9/11 attacks. Poland was annexed by Nazi Germany in 1939. Clinton was impeached in 1998 but acquitted in 1999. Solidarnosc trade union was banned in Poland in 1982. Peshtigo […]

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