What occurred on Apr 30th?

The brightest supernova appeared (1006), Saigon fell to communist forces (1975), Hitler committed suicide (1945), the first federal prison for women opened (1927), George Washington’s inauguration took place (1789), hail the size of oranges fell in India (1888), the Louisiana Purchase was finalized (1803), Fairbanks and Pickford left their mark on Grauman’s Chinese Theater (1927), […]

July 27th: What occurred?

Bugs Bunny debuted in A Wild Hare in 1940, the first of 163 animated shorts. The first trans-Atlantic telegraph cable was laid in 1866, allowing for instant communication between Europe and North America. Nixon faced impeachment proceedings in 1974 due to the Watergate scandal and resigned. The kidnapping and murder of Adam Walsh in 1981 […]

9/11: What occurred?

On September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked the US, flying planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Brave individuals on United Airlines Flight 93 prevented another attack by crashing the plane. Many heroes risked their lives to help others, and the world came together to offer condolences. The attacks were atrocities and not justified […]

Apr 20th: What occurred?

Louis Pasteur performed his first pasteurization tests in 1864. The Columbine school massacre occurred in 1999. Vitaphone audio process was announced in 1926. Marie and Pierre Curie isolated radium chloride in 1902. The Crimes in the Rue Morgue was published in 1841. The Ku Klux Act was passed in 1871. President McKinley signed a joint […]

July 12th: what occurred?

The Rolling Stones gave their first concert in London (1962). 1,300 miners were illegally deported in Bisbee, Arizona (1917). The Moors murderers began their killing spree (1963). A heat wave in the Midwest killed 1,000 people (1995). Geraldine Ferraro became the first woman to run for a major political party in the US (1984). The […]

Aug 15th: What occurred?

The first solar system other than ours was discovered, as well as the opening of Tivoli Gardens, the worst terrorist attack during “The Troubles,” and other historical events. The first solar system other than ours has been discovered. (2001) National Science Foundation (NSF) and NASA astronomers discovered two stars orbiting the star 47 Ursae Majoris […]

Dec 6th: What occurred?

Edison made the first sound recording in 1877. The 13th amendment abolished slavery in the US in 1865. Spain became a constitutional monarchy in 1978. The first Encyclopedia Britannica was published in 1768. The Washington Monument was completed in 1884. Saddam Hussein released foreign hostages in 1990. Nefertiti’s bust was discovered in 1912. The Washington […]

Jan 6th: What occurred?

Morse demonstrated the telegraph in 1838, while the last telegraph was sent in 2006. Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms speech in 1941 influenced the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Other events include Henry VIII’s marriage to Anne of Cleves, the first round-the-world flight, and Mother Teresa’s arrival in Calcutta. Samuel Morse gave the first successful demonstration of […]

Oct 13th: What occurred?

Italy declared war on Germany in 1943, shifting alliances in World War II. The Whirlpool Galaxy was discovered in 1773, while the US Senate refused to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty in 1999. The longitudinal meridian of Universal Time was established in 1884, and the White House’s construction began in 1792. The United States […]

Sept 24th: What occurred?

Major nuclear powers signed the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, but it has yet to enter into force. The Supreme Court of the United States was created in 1789. Compu-Serve launched the first consumer internet service in 1979. The Warren Report was delivered in 1964. The Japanese began secretly gathering intelligence on Pearl Harbor in 1941. The […]

Nov 21st: What occurred?

ARPNET, the first internet network, was established in 1969. Rebecca L. Felton became the first woman to serve in the US Senate in 1922. The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge opened in 1964. The first balloon flight took place in 1783. Oliver North ordered the destruction of incriminating documents in 1986. Einstein’s research on E=mc2 was published in […]

Nov 6th: What occurred?

The UN condemned apartheid in 1962, plutonium was created in 1944, Lincoln became the first Republican president in 1860, Naismith invented basketball in 1861, the US tested its largest hydrogen bomb in 1971, Meet the Press debuted in 1947, the Confederate Army surrendered in 1865, the first official college football game was played in 1869, […]

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