July 19th: what occurred?

Christa McAuliffe, a teacher, died in the Challenger disaster. “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy allowed gays to serve in the US military. A meteorite exploded over Arizona. Joe Walker set a new altitude record in an X-15 research aircraft. The first 3D reconstruction of a human head was done with a CT machine. The Sandinistas […]

July 22nd: What occurred?

Jeffrey Dahmer arrested for killing 17 males, sentenced to 957 years in prison, beaten to death by inmate. John Dillinger killed by FBI agents, famous bank robber. Wiley Post first person to fly solo around the world. Susan Smith pleads guilty to drowning her two children. Jessica Lynch returns home after being rescued in Iraq. […]

July 23rd: What occurred?

The Detroit riots began, leaving 43 dead and 2,000 buildings burned. Tiger Woods completed a Career Grand Slam in golf. Mark Buehrle pitched a perfect game. Venessa Williams resigned as Miss America due to nude photos. The Federation Internationale de Gymnastique was founded. Andrew Cunanan’s body was found after killing Versace. Comet Hale-Bopp was discovered. […]

Aug 27th: What occurred?

The first successful oil well was drilled in the US in 1859. The Anglo-Zanzibar War lasted only 45 minutes, the shortest war in history. The Heinkel He 178 became the world’s first jet aircraft in 1939. Krakatoa erupted in 1883, causing 36,000 deaths. Mariner 2 successfully reached Venus in 1962. Edmund Kemper killed his grandparents […]

Aug 10th: What occurred?

David Berkowitz, the “Son of Sam” serial killer, was arrested and sentenced to six life sentences. The Smithsonian Institute was founded by James Smithson’s donation. Charles Manson and his followers were convicted of murder. John Walsh’s son was kidnapped and killed, leading to the creation of America’s Most Wanted. NASA’s Magellan probe mapped Venus. The […]

Dec 5th: What occurred?

Prohibition ended in the US (1933), gold rush began after President Polk confirmed gold reports in California (1848), Dow Jones reached 1,500 points for the first time (1985), AFL and CIO merged (1955), Christie’s held its first sale (1766), Einstein granted US visa (1932), Columbus discovered Hispaniola (1492), “Lost Squadron” crashed in Bermuda Triangle (1945), […]

Oct 9th: What occurred?

Che Guevara was executed in Bolivia, North Korea claimed to have tested its first nuclear weapon, German troops occupied Antwerp in WWI, NASA landed on the moon, Yale University was founded, Google bought YouTube, an international postal system was created, Laura Ingalls flew solo across the US, the last observable supernova occurred, and the SR-71 […]

Oct 5th: What occurred?

Truman asked US citizens to not eat meat on Tuesdays and Thursdays to free up grain for starving Europeans. Vanunu claimed Israel had nuclear weapons. PBS replaced NET. Kunst circled the world on foot for UNICEF. The “March on Versailles” marked a turning point in the French Revolution. The first baseball radio broadcast featured the […]

Sept 29th: what occurred?

The Dow Jones fell by a record 777.68 points in 2008. The Hindenburg Line was broken during World War I. The Mayak Nuclear Power Plant accident exposed 500,000 people to radiation. The London Metropolitan Police was founded in 1829. Italy and the US signed an armistice agreement in 1943. The Space Shuttle Discovery launched in […]

Jan 5th: What occurred?

Henry Ford introduced minimum wages and maximum working hours in 1914, while Eisenhower proposed sending American soldiers to the Middle East in 1957. The first American divorce occurred in 1643, and Kamikaze pilots received their first order in 1945. Nellie Ross became the first female governor in the US in 1925, and Truman delivered the […]

Jan 30th: What occurred?

Gandhi was assassinated; Hitler became Chancellor of Germany; Maryland signed the Articles of Confederation; Jackson survived an assassination attempt; the first cash register was patented; the Tet Offensive happened; Bloody Sunday occurred; the first lifeboat was tested; King Charles I was executed; and the first episode of “Lone Ranger” aired. Gandhi was assassinated. (1948) Mohandas […]

Sept 21st: What occurred?

Roosevelt urged Congress to repeal Neutrality Acts to help European nations facing Nazi Germans. France abolished monarchy. B-29 bomber made its debut and was used to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Marcos declared martial law in the Philippines. Investment banks became traditional holding companies. Women were admitted to the Military Institute of Virginia. Congress granted $15 […]

Sept 22nd: What occurred?

Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation (1862), Nathan Hale was executed as America’s first spy (1776), the US penny was redesigned (2008), the Peace Corps was established (1961), Iran-Iraq War began (1980), US Postmaster General’s Office was established (1789), National Geographic published its first issue (1888), the first American-made car was unveiled (1893), Dead Sea Scrolls […]

Apr 7: What occurred?

Important events in history include President Eisenhower’s speech on the “domino theory,” the founding of the World Health Organization, American troops capturing Baghdad, the invention of friction matches, the sinking of the Japanese warship Yamamoto, John Wayne’s Oscar win, Tito becoming president for life of Yugoslavia, the costly battle of Shiloh, and the birth of […]

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