Dec 22nd: what occurred?

China began economic reforms in 1978 under Deng Xiaoping. The Brandenburg Gate in the Berlin Wall opened in 1989. The Continental Navy was commissioned in 1775. Dostoyevsky’s execution was called off in 1949. The first rural speed limits were posted in the UK in 1965. Christmas lights were invented in 1882. Ceausescu’s government was overthrown […]

Feb 21st: What occurred?

Nixon visited Beijing, Marx and Engels published the Communist Manifesto, Malcolm X was assassinated, the Arrowbile flew, the Battle of Verdun began, Ames was arrested, NASCAR was incorporated, the Polaroid camera was demonstrated, Kissinger began secret negotiations with North Vietnam, and the last Carolina Parakeet died. Richard Nixon arrived in Beijing. (1972) The visit was […]

Jan 31st: What occurred?

The US House of Representatives passed the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery, Germany began unrestricted submarine warfare, President Truman authorized the creation of a hydrogen bomb, the first McDonald’s opened in the USSR, and Private Eddie Slovik was executed for desertion. Other events include the opening of the first STD clinic, Robert E. Lee being named […]

Sep 12th: What occurred?

Hitler demands Sudetenland reunite with Germany (1938). NASA launches 50th space shuttle mission, Endeavour (1992). US declares war on terror (2001). Train collision kills 25 due to texting driver (2008). Lascaux cave paintings discovered (1940). SS Central America sinks with gold (1857). Bonanza debuts in color (1959). Johnny Cash dies (2003). Hitler demands that the […]

Nov 5th: What occurred?

Saddam Hussein and two others were sentenced to death for crimes against humanity, Susan B. Anthony cast an illegal vote in the US presidential election, the first US patent for an automobile was awarded, a writer’s strike halted Hollywood, the “Gunpowder Plot” was thwarted, Hitler announced his plan for “living space”, FDR was elected to […]

What occurred on Sep 5th?

The Israeli Olympic team was taken hostage by terrorists in Munich, resulting in 17 deaths. The Gouzenko Affair triggered the start of the Cold War. Russian Tsar Peter the Great taxed beards. The Gotthard tunnel opened in Switzerland. US President Gerald R. Ford survived two assassination attempts. Pan Am Flight 73 was hijacked, resulting in […]

Sep 5th: What occurred?

The Israeli Olympic team was taken hostage by terrorists in Munich (1972). The Gouzenko Affair triggered the start of the Cold War (1945). The longest motorway tunnel in the world, the Gotthard tunnel, was inaugurated (1980). US President Gerald R. Ford avoided an assassination attempt (1975). Pan Am Flight 73 was hijacked, resulting in the […]

What occurred on Mar 20?

Federal troops sent to Alabama to protect civil rights protesters (1965). Sarin gas attack on Tokyo subways by the Ultimate Truth cult (1995). FDA approves first anti-AIDS drug, AZT (1987). Dutch East India Company founded (1602). Picasso’s works shown in the US for the first time (1923). American representatives received by King Louis XVI (1778). […]

Dec 31st: what occurred?

Edison demonstrated the light bulb (1879), East India Company received its charter (1600), first use of the breathalyzer (1938), Panama Canal handed over to Panama (1999), GM earned $1 billion in a year (1955), US left UNESCO (1984), London Eye opened (1999), ‘Iolani Palace completed (1879), Bank of North America founded (1781), window tax introduced […]

Sept 28th: What occurred?

US military planes complete first round-the-world flights, breaking four world records (1924). The flu epidemic spreads globally, causing over 30 million deaths (1918). France emancipates its Jewish population, the first country to do so (1791). Sir Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin (1928). SpaceX launches the world’s first private spacecraft (2008). Ted Williams hits over 0.400 in […]

Oct 16th: What occurred?

China detonated a nuclear bomb (1964), the US authorized the war in Iraq (2002), the Long March began in China (1934), the last smallpox diagnosis was made (1975), the Million Man March took place in Washington DC (1995), the Nazis established the Warsaw Ghetto (1940), Britain announced plans to ban handguns after the Dunblane massacre […]

Feb 28th: What occurred?

Important events in history include the discovery of DNA’s structure, the birth of the Republican Party, the opening of the first vaudeville theater, the beginning of the Han Dynasty, and the first televised college basketball game. Other events include the ATF raid on the Branch Davidians, NATO’s first military action, the discovery of the non-existent […]

Jan 25th: What occurred?

The Battle of the Bulge ended with high casualties. The Cullinan diamond was found and given to the King of England. The first Emmy Awards ceremony was held, and Idi Amin became the leader of Uganda. President Kennedy gave the first live televised presidential press conference. The Norwegian missile incident occurred, and Jiang Qing was […]

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