Aug 30th: What occurred?

The Moscow-Washington hotline was established in 1963 after the Cuban Missile Crisis. Other events include the attempted assassination of Lenin in 1918, the launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery in 1984, and the passing of the Global Warming Solutions Act in California in 2006. Thurgood Marshall became the first black justice of the US Supreme […]

Dec 3rd: What occurred?

The Cold War ended with a joint statement by George Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev. The first human heart transplant was performed in 1967. The Ottawa Treaty was signed in 1997, banning landmines. Oberlin College was the first co-educational college in the US. George Washington’s surprise attack on Hessian troops was a turning point in the […]

Jan 18th: what occurred?

US drops World Court case against Nicaragua (1985); George McGovern starts presidential campaign (1971); Robert F. Scott reaches South Pole after Roald Amundsen (1912); Mayor of Washington DC Marion Barry arrested on drug charges (1990); Eugene Ely lands aircraft on USS Pennsylvania (1911); Captain Cook discovers Hawaii (1778); German forces resume deportations from Warsaw (1943); […]

Feb 1st: What occurred?

Khomeini returned to Iran (1979), Hollywood began as a Christian community (1887), and the Greensboro sit-ins began (1960). Other events include the establishment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (1920) and the debut of “Late Night with David Letterman” (1982). Ayatollah Khomeini has returned to Iran. (1979) Khomeini was in exile for 15 years before […]

Feb 1st: What occurred?

Khomeini returned to Iran as religious and political leader for life (1979), the Supreme Court held its first meeting (1790), Hollywood was registered as a community (1887), the Oxford English Dictionary was published (1884), Roanoke was founded (1587), the Greensboro sit-ins began (1960), the Royal Canadian Mounted Police was established (1920), Nixon announced his candidacy […]

May 28th: what occurred?

“The Last Supper” by Leonardo da Vinci was restored and returned to exhibition in 1999. The first full color and sound film, “On with the Show!”, was produced by Warner Brothers in 1929. The Dionne quintuplets, the first known quintuplets to survive infancy, were born in 1934. Amateur pilot Matthew Rust landed in Red Square […]

What occurred on Sep 10th?

In 1897, the first drunk driver was arrested in London, fined 25 shillings. In 1977, Hamida Djandoubi became the last person executed by guillotine. The Large Hadron Collider fired its first proton beams in 2008. Gunsmoke, the longest-running primetime drama series in American television history, debuted in 1955. Switzerland joined the United Nations as its […]

Jan 3rd: What occurred?

Events: Tutankhamun’s sarcophagus discovered (1924), Luther excommunicated (1521), da Vinci tests flying machine (1496), Meiji Restoration begins in Japan (1868), Mussolini assumes dictatorial powers in Italy (1925), Joan of Arc handed over to Bishop Cauchon (1431), Noriega surrenders to US forces (1990), Alaska becomes 50th state (1959), Peanuts comic strip ends (2000), Brooklyn Bridge construction […]

Apr 18th: What occurred?

Events throughout history include Paul Revere’s ride warning of British plot (1775), a radio broadcast with no news (1930), Ezra Pound’s release from asylum (1958), the first crossword book published (1924), the Great San Francisco Earthquake (1906), the first stone laid in St. Peter’s Basilica (1506), the Doolittle raids on Tokyo (1942), Joan of Arc’s […]

Nov 18th: What occurred?

Jim Jones led a mass murder-suicide of over 900 members of the Peoples Temple in Jonestown, Guyana. Railroads established time zones in North America in 1883, later becoming law in 1918. The first push-button telephone was commercially available in 1963. Spain became a democracy in 1976 after the death of dictator Francisco Franco. William Tell […]

May 26th: what occurred?

The House Un-American Activities Committee began in 1938, investigating Communist infiltration. Alse Young was executed for witchcraft in 1647. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was first published in 1896. The first major commercial oil strike in the Middle East was made in 1908. Feral child Kaspar Hauser was discovered in 1828. The Indian Removal Act […]

Oct 11th: What occurred?

Apollo 7 launched with live TV broadcast (1968), DAR founded (1890), Theodore Roosevelt first US President to ride in airplane (1910), Kathryn Sullivan first American woman to walk in space (1984), US Navy’s first major battle fought (1776), Dow Jones hit highest point in US history (2007), Jimmy Carter awarded Nobel Peace Prize (2002), San […]

Aug 19th: What occurred?

Hitler became the Fuhrer of Germany (1934), The Beatles played their first US concert (1964), Hungerford Massacre occurred in the UK (1987), Soviet Union jailed American U-2 pilot for espionage (1960), little person played in a Major League Baseball game (1951), first official soap box derby took place (1934), Daguerre presented his photographic process (1839), […]

Jan 10th: What occurred?

AOL merged with Time Warner, the Treaty of Versailles ended WWI, the London Underground opened, the first major source of oil was discovered in America, Lend-Lease program was introduced, Napoleon divorced Josephine, Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon River, Common Sense was published, Vatican and US entered into diplomatic relations, and Masterpiece Theater premiered on PBS. […]

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