What’s ocular neuritis?

Ocular neuritis is inflammation of the nerves that feed visual data to the brain and enable eye movement. It can result in temporary or permanent loss of vision. Lead exposure can cause ocular neuritis in children, while bacterial or viral diseases and infections are the main causes in adults. Women are more likely to be […]

Ocular migraine symptoms?

Ocular migraines cause temporary vision disturbances in one or both eyes, including flashes of light, blind spots, and zigzagging lines. A true ocular migraine only affects one eye and can cause temporary loss of vision. Women and young people are more likely to experience these symptoms. Resting in a dark room is recommended to alleviate […]

What’s Ocular Myasthenia Gravis?

Ocular myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic fatigue of the eye muscles, resulting in double vision and droopy eyelids. It is treatable with medications, surgery, or devices. It is not hereditary and can range from mild to severe. Eye strain is the first stage of a general myasthenia gravis that will eventually […]

What’s an ocular migraine?

Ocular migraines involve severe visual disturbance without pain, with triggers including stress, menstrual cycles, and certain foods. Neurologists can help determine the root cause and prevention methods. Patients should seek medical attention for any strange visual symptoms and headaches. Ocular migraines are migraines involving the eyes. They can manifest in different ways with a variety […]

What’s ocular histoplasmosis?

Ocular histoplasmosis is caused by fungal spores from a lung infection that can travel to the eyes and cause central vision loss. Laser surgery can prevent further damage, but lost vision cannot be restored. Antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs are not effective, and the exact mechanism of how the spores migrate to the eyes is unknown. […]

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