US’s oddest college trend?

Harvard student Lothrop Withington Jr. ate a live goldfish in 1939, starting a trend of goldfish swallowing contests across the US. The fad was eventually banned by universities and municipalities. After bragging that he once ate a live fish, fellow Harvard students called Lothrop Withington Jr.’s bluff and bet him $10 USD that he couldn’t […]

Who had oddest pets among writers?

Patricia Highsmith, known for her thrillers, had a passion for animals, especially snails, which she raised in terrariums and even brought to parties. She preferred their company to people and spent much of her life on an isolated farm in Switzerland. Many well-known writers were also great pet lovers, from Ernest Hemingway and his six-toed […]

Which country has the oddest Easter custom?

Easter traditions vary worldwide, with Americans decorating eggs and hunting for chocolate, while Norwegians indulge in Påskekrim, a tradition of reading or watching crime thrillers during the holiday. This tradition began in 1923 with the publication of a popular book about a fictional robbery during Easter. For Christians, the focus of Easter is celebrating the […]

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