What’s a one-handed keyboard?

One-handed keyboards are available in various sizes and layouts, with some resembling traditional keyboards and others using button combinations. They can be useful for those with disabilities or injuries, and for those who want a portable option. Learning to use them takes practice, but with time, typing speed can be comparable to two-handed typing. However, […]

Longest one-handed word?

“Stewardess” is the longest common word typed with only the left hand. “Aftercataracs” and “tesseradecades” are the longest obscure words at 14 characters. “Lollipop” is the longest word typed with only the right hand, but “Johnny-Jump-Up” is the longest with dashes. Other oddities include “leptotrichosis” for alternating hands, “bookkeeping” and “bookkeeper” for consecutive double letters, […]

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