What’s an Orthodontic Specialist’s job?

Orthodontists and orthodontic technicians work together to help patients straighten their teeth using dental appliances like braces. Orthodontists undergo rigorous education and training, while technicians create and manufacture the devices. The goal is to provide the best possible device to meet the patient’s needs. An orthodontic specialist practices a specific type of dentistry. They help […]

Best orthodontic residency: how to choose?

Choosing the right orthodontic residency program involves evaluating factors such as prestige, relationship building, and influence in the local community. Researching programs well in advance and considering subjective measures such as teaching quality and friendliness of the learning environment is important. Residency participation is required to become a licensed orthodontist. Determining which orthodontic residency program […]

Orthodontic coverage: pros and cons?

Orthodontic procedures are expensive, but insurance can make them more affordable. However, insurance companies may be slow to pay dental providers. Orthodontia coverage may be more extensive for children than adults, and traditional dental coverage may not include orthodontia. Corporate employers offering dental and orthodontia insurance benefits are more attractive, but patients should confirm coverage […]

How to be an Orthodontic Assistant?

To become an orthodontic assistant, one must have a high school diploma, an associate’s degree in dental care, and practical work experience. They work alongside orthodontists to help patients achieve proper tooth alignment, performing tasks such as taking dental impressions and adjusting braces. Professional certification is also available through the National Council on Dental Assisting. […]

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