What’s a Crystal Oscillator?

Crystal oscillators transform mechanical energy into electrical energy and are used for precise timing in watches and electronics. Quartz crystals are commonly used due to their stable frequency at various conditions. The piezoelectric effect was discovered by Pierre and Jacques Curie in 1880. The crystal is cut into a thin slice or tuning fork shape […]

What’s a Voltage Controlled Oscillator?

A voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) produces an oscillation frequency based on an input voltage, which can be fixed or variable. VCOs can produce sine or triangular waveforms and use different methods to control frequency. Harmonic VCOs have better frequency stability, while relaxation VCOs can be tuned to a wider range of frequencies and are suitable […]

What’s a Quartz Oscillator?

A quartz oscillator generates a signal at a specific frequency using a quartz crystal’s piezoelectric property. It is used in cell phones, GPS, radios, watches, and computers. The crystal changes shape when voltage is applied, generating a voltage when returning to its original shape. The oscillator operates at the resonant frequency of the crystal, which […]

What’s a harmonic oscillator?

A harmonic oscillator follows Hooke’s law, where force is proportional to displacement. A simple example is a block on a spring, with natural frequency f0 and period 1/f0. Damped systems can be overdamped, underdamped, or critically damped. Quantum harmonic oscillators describe molecular interactions using bond strength constants. A harmonic oscillator is a system in physics […]

What’s a Grid Dip Oscillator?

A grid oscillator uses a vacuum tube to generate an alternating current in the radio frequency range. A tank circuit controls the oscillation frequency, and a grid immersion meter can be used to check for energy transfer. An absorption wavemeter can be used to tune into the frequency of an RF source. A grid oscillator […]

What’s a trailing oscillator?

The Ultimate Oscillator measures stock momentum by including figures for three different time periods, weighting them according to how recent they are. It sends buy signals when it shows a bullish divergence, and avoids false signals sent by narrower predictors. The Ultimate Oscillator is a stock analysis tool that attempts to properly measure the momentum […]

What’s an Ultimate Oscillator?

The Ultimate Oscillator is a stock analysis tool created by Larry Williams in 1976 that measures momentum by including data from three different time periods. It avoids false signals and sends buy signals when a bullish divergence occurs. The equation includes buying pressure and true range, and the final oscillator is calculated by summing weighted […]

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