Palm Oil Plantation: What is it?

Palm oil is produced from trees in Indonesia, Malaysia, Africa, and the Amazon, but the expansion of plantations is controversial due to deforestation. Palm oil is used in food, cosmetics, and biofuels, and is the second most consumed oil in the food industry. Farmers clear and drain peat land to create plantations and harvest the […]

How is palm oil made?

Palm oil is extracted from the fruit of oil palms grown in Asia and Africa. The process involves planting and caring for oil palms, harvesting and processing the fruit, and purifying the oil. Most production occurs in Malaysia and Indonesia, where large crops are harvested by hand or machine, threshed, cooked, pressed, diluted, and filtered. […]

Palm Oil Biodiesel: What is it?

Palm oil biodiesel is an alternative to petroleum fuel made from palm tree fruits and seeds. While it emits less carbon than fossil fuels, its widespread use has negative impacts such as deforestation and high demand for food sources. Refineries create jobs but can cause environmental pollution. Palm oil biodiesel is an alternative to petroleum […]

What’s Crude Palm Oil?

Crude palm oil (CPO) is extracted from palm kernels and contains non-edible components. Purification removes these components, making the oil edible and salable. Malaysia and Indonesia produce 80% of the world’s palm oil, with some refining done in these countries. Palm oil, an oil extracted from palm kernels, is one of the few natural oils […]

Palm Sunday: what is it?

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week and is celebrated by many Christian groups. It commemorates Jesus’ ride to Jerusalem on a donkey, with Bible readings telling of his crucifixion. Many churches bless palms and hold Mass or services, with some involving the congregation in reading roles. Palms are taken home and often shaped […]

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