What’s a paradoxical pulse?

The human heart has four chambers, with the left ventricle’s capacity inhibited during inhalation, causing a drop in blood pressure known as pulsus paradoxus. Paradoxical pulse can detect various heart conditions and is evaluated with Kussmaul’s sign. It can be caused by fluid pushing on the heart, a heart attack, or bronchial asthma. Doctors use […]

What’s paradoxical intention?

Paradoxical Intention is a psychotherapeutic approach developed by Victor Frankl, which involves immersing oneself in the source of fear to overcome neurotic thinking or habits. It is part of Frankl’s broader approach to mental treatments known as logotherapy, which focuses on finding meaning in life. The approach requires individuals to entertain irrational thoughts and take […]

How to spot paradoxical sentences?

To identify paradoxical sentences, one can understand the concept of paradox and look for specific logical configurations. Examples include short phrases like “less is more” and longer literary quotes like “Orwellian”. Oxymorons are also a class of paradoxical sentences. Breaking down sentences into logical propositions can also help identify paradoxes. To recognize sentences with paradoxical […]

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