What’s a partial discharge?

Partial discharge is a small electric spark that can damage insulation systems and machines. It can be caused by voids, contaminants, or high voltage. Detection methods include oscilloscopes, ultrasonic detectors, and measuring transient earth voltages. Partial discharge is an accident in which two conductors create a small electric spark that does not fully connect the […]

What’s a partial class?

Partial classes allow the implementation of a class to be split among multiple source code files in some object-oriented programming languages. The “partial” keyword denotes the chunks of the class, and all parts must have the same visibility. Advantages include organization and specialization, but they violate encapsulation principles. A partial class is a feature in […]

What’s partial paralysis?

Partial paralysis can occur due to illness, injury, stroke, or poisoning. It can affect different parts of the body and is caused by nerve damage. Brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and certain diseases can also cause partial paralysis. Proper therapy can help restore muscle function in some cases. Partial paralysis is a condition that describes […]

What’s Partial Integration?

Partial integration is a written contract that does not contain all the terms of the agreement. The Parol Evidence Rule states that prior agreements cannot contradict the final written agreement, except in certain exceptions. Partial integration can lead to confusion, but can be avoided by ensuring the final agreement is a full complement or by […]

What are simple partial seizures? (38 characters)

Simple partial seizures are caused by abnormal electrical activity in a specific part of the brain and can lead to changes in behavior. They can be caused by brain injury, genetics, or health ailments and are diagnosed through an EEG. Treatment usually involves antiepileptic drugs. Simple partial seizures are abnormalities in the brain caused by […]

What’s continuous partial attention?

Continuous partial attention is a phenomenon where people focus on one thing while receiving input from other sources. It’s caused by the fear of missing out and is prevalent among 18-25-year-olds. Some view it positively, while others see it as contributing to stress and reduced efficiency. Companies are starting to take measures to avoid it […]

What’s a partial release?

A partial release allows an individual to obtain full ownership of part of a property held in a real estate loan. Lenders may grant a partial release as a reward for completing certain loan conditions, and the process involves several steps, including a survey, application, and payment documentation. This strategy allows borrowers to collect part […]

What are partial public funding systems?

Partial public financing systems are commonly used in US presidential primary elections, but less frequently in general elections. Candidates must meet certain criteria, including spending limits and raising $5,000 in each state. Minor party candidates may receive partial public funding based on previous election results or current popularity. Partial public financing systems are campaign financing […]

What’s a partial balance?

Partial equilibrium theory analyzes small markets and assumes changes in one market have no effect on others. General equilibrium theory examines how changes in each market affect related markets. The former is useful for research, while the latter is used to determine the price point where supply and demand are balanced in all markets. Partial […]

What’s a fixed partial denture?

A fixed partial denture, also known as a bridge, is a permanent dental restoration used to fill gaps caused by missing teeth. It is cemented to abutment teeth and can be made of various materials. Different types of bridges are available, and they can improve chewing, speech, and appearance. Proper care and maintenance are necessary […]

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