What’s Pastel De Choclo?

Pastel de Choclo is a popular corn and meat casserole in Chile and Peru, with variations including raisins, olives, eggs, and sugar. It is traditionally served in a red clay bowl or individual bowls. Vegetarian options and regional flavors exist. The dish contains mashed cornmeal and meat, with raisins or other dried fruit. The corn […]

What’s Chicken Pastel?

Chicken pastel is a Filipino savory dish with marinated chicken, sausage, vegetables, and a pastry or paste-like topping. It originates from a Spanish version of a chicken pot pie and can include any meat. Filipino families have their own traditional interpretations, and the dish is often served with rice. Chicken pastel is a traditional savory […]

Who names pastel colors?

Pastel color names are created by employees, political issues, and public competitions. Marketing managers pay homage to nature for inspiration. Primary colors red, blue, and yellow can create all other colors. Pastel colors are sometimes renamed to reflect positive changes in political climates. Companies hold contests for the public to nominate new color names. Pastel […]

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