Who’s Ron Paul?

Ron Paul is a Texas doctor and Congressman who consistently wins elections despite opposition from the Republican Party. He is a constitutionalist who is very conservative and principled in his positions. He is known as “Dr. No” for consistently voting against bills that don’t align with the Constitution. He is also a staunch anti-welfare person […]

Value vintage Les Paul?

To determine the value of a vintage Les Paul guitar, visit a local guitar store for information, research the guitar’s manufacturing history, and contact Gibson Guitar Corporation or an outside appraisal expert. Getting a second opinion can also be helpful. Gibson Guitar Corporation set out to develop the world’s first commercially successful electric guitars. Since […]

Who’s Saint Paul?

St. Paul was a Roman Catholic saint who wrote at least 14 epistles in the New Testament and influenced the Christian faith. He was born in Tarsus, Turkey, and initially persecuted Christians before converting after a vision. He became an apostle and preached to both Jews and Gentiles, facing opposition and eventually being executed, though […]

Who’s Paul Green?

Paul Green was an American playwright known for his moralistic realism and expressionism. His work often dealt with segregation and racism, notably in his Pulitzer Prize-winning play In Abraham’s Bosom. He later experimented with symphonic drama, a form of historical drama that incorporated poetry, pantomime, and music. Green was an advocate for racial equality and […]

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