What’s ped. sepsis?

Pediatric sepsis is a life-threatening complication of infection in infants and children with weaker immune systems. Symptoms include high fever, rapid heart rate, and difficulty breathing. Immediate treatment in the ICU is essential, and newborns are at the highest risk. Antibiotics and other drugs are used to treat the infection, and surgery may be necessary […]

What are ped signals?

Pedestrian signals are used worldwide to help motorists and pedestrians share the road. There are two types of signals: joint traffic and dedicated pedestrian crossing. Pedestrian signals use pictograms or English words to indicate when it is safe to cross. Additional features, such as countdowns, are used to provide more information to pedestrians. A special […]

What’s a Ped. Scholarship?

A pediatric fellowship is a postgraduate training opportunity for pediatricians to specialize in a specific field of medicine as it pertains to children, such as oncology or cardiology. The fellowship can be clinical or research-based and typically lasts two to three years. It is not required but expected by the medical community and patients. Applicants […]

What’s a ped station?

Walking stations, or treadputers, are computer workstations that allow users to exercise while working. This promotes physical fitness, mental stimulation, and productivity. While currently expensive, they may become more affordable with increased popularity. Walking stations are essentially computer workstations that allow you to exercise while still managing work-related tasks. Essentially, by pairing a treadmill with […]

What’s a Ped. Hospitalist?

A pediatric hospitalist is a specialized doctor who provides medical care to children in a hospital setting, often with additional years of residency training. They prescribe medication, perform medical procedures, and order tests. They can work in various locations within a hospital and may act as consultants to other healthcare professionals. A pediatric hospital is […]

What’s a ped. endocrinologist?

Pediatric endocrinologists are specialized doctors who treat children with disorders of the endocrine system, including diabetes, thyroid issues, and growth and development problems. Their training involves 10 years of education after medical school, and they may prescribe medication or recommend surgery to address imbalances. They typically work in association with larger hospitals in urban areas. […]

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