Non-contributory pension: what is it?

A non-contributory pension plan is a retirement plan where the employer makes all contributions, using a formula based on factors such as the employee’s years of service and salary. Government regulations limit the amount an employer can contribute, and the plan does not allow for early retirement benefits. Administering the plan can be complicated and […]

What’s a pension plan?

A pension plan provides regular income after retirement or due to disability. It can be offered by an employer or government, and payments are usually made in monthly installments. It should not be confused with a severance package. A pension plan is a financial arrangement that allows people to continue receiving some type of regular […]

Factors impacting pension value?

Pensions can be defined as either contribution or benefit plans, with the present value depending on the performance of underlying securities. Defined contribution plans contain mutual fund shares and fixed-interest securities, while defined benefit plans invest in annuities. Withdrawals before the plan’s expiration date result in either the cash or insurance value, with insurance values […]

Types of pension annuities?

Pension annuities in the US provide retirement income for workers, funded by employee and employer contributions. Retirement benefits fall into defined benefit or defined contribution plans, with options for duration and survivor benefits. Payments can be made over a specified period or as a lump sum to the retiree’s estate. Pension annuities in the US […]

Lump sum pension: pros and cons?

Choosing a lump sum pension offers flexibility and control, but also carries the risk of running out of money too soon. It may mean less money in the end and a higher risk of poor investment decisions. Wise investment choices can generate higher returns than fixed monthly payments, but it can be dangerous for inexperienced […]

Pension Plan Admin: Responsibilities?

A pension plan administrator oversees retirement accounts for companies and government agencies, handling tasks such as updating accounts, preparing documentation, and customer service. They must have knowledge of pension laws and regulations and may work with professionals in banking, accounting, and planning management. They work collaboratively to ensure plans are effectively monitored and may work […]

What’s a split pension?

A pension split can involve sharing retirement income with a spouse, either through an actual split of funds or for income tax purposes. The process varies by jurisdiction and type of split, but typically involves completing forms and submitting documentation to the appropriate organization. In some cases, a judge may make decisions about pension division […]

Types of pension plans?

Pension plans can be defined as either defined benefit plans or defined contribution plans. Defined benefit plans provide a combination of benefits, while defined contribution plans rely on employee and employer contributions. Defined benefit plans can face issues with underfunding, compliance, and inflation, while defined contribution plans require voluntary payments and higher administrative expenses. All […]

Choosing a pension recipient: what to consider?

Retirees rely on retirement plans for income, which can be distributed to a pension recipient if they die before benefits are exhausted. Factors like age and relationship are considered when selecting a recipient. Laws and supervision vary by country or employer. Married individuals may have fewer choices, but a secondary recipient can be named. Children […]

Pension shortfall: what is it?

A pension deficit occurs when a company cannot cover its obligation to pay pensions. Some US employers offer pensions voluntarily or after union negotiations. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act regulates pension availability, and a pension fund must be set up to ensure the money is available. A pension shortfall can occur for various reasons, […]

What’s a pension contribution?

Retirement contributions are donations made into a fund by employers and employees to provide for retirement. The fund grows through investments with little taxation. Governments require pension contributions to ensure retirees have enough money to live on without relying on government funds. Retirement plans are a method used by companies to ensure employees have enough […]

What’s Pension Sharing?

Pension sharing is a solution for dividing retirement benefits in divorce. The structure of the pension plan determines how benefits are shared, and both parties can maintain their own plans. Pension splitting is resolved in court, and the value of benefits is calculated before and after sharing. Pension sharing means making the best of a […]

Underfunded pension plan?

Many pension plans are underfunded, meaning that they do not have enough money to pay current and future pensions. This can be due to various reasons, such as stock market losses, low interest rates, mergers, or bankruptcy. The burden of paying for these pensions falls on taxpayers through social security payments. Individuals should prepare for […]

What’s pension admin?

Pension administration involves managing a benefit plan to ensure it meets government standards and provides appropriate payouts. This can be a full-time job requiring financial expertise, and many companies hire advisers to handle it. Software can also be used to collect contributions and estimate payouts. Tax exemptions are a concern, as plans must qualify to […]

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