How many people are enslaved globally?

Around 27 million people are enslaved globally, with the most prevalent areas being Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Forced labor includes hereditary bondage, government hard labor, and sex trafficking. The first anti-slavery movement began in 1787, and in 2012, slave labor accounted for a small percentage of the global economy. Approximately 26% of all […]

What’s the % of right-handed people?

Most people are right-handed, but scientists aren’t sure why. Some people prefer their non-dominant foot in sports, and have ocular dominance. Some animals also have laterality. Most people are right-handed, between 70 and 90 percent, depending on which study results you accept. The other 10 to 30 percent are mostly left-handed or ambidextrous. Scientists aren’t […]

More people in North or South Hemisphere?

90% of the world’s population lives in the Northern Hemisphere, while only 10% live in the Southern Hemisphere. Interesting facts about world geography include Hulunbuir as the largest city, three countries surrounded by another nation, and the longest mountain range in the Atlantic Ocean. The vast majority of the world’s population lives in the Northern […]

Do people still live in caves worldwide?

Yaodongs, the earliest Chinese cave dwellings, date back to the Bronze Age. Over 2 million people still live in caves in China, many in Shaanxi Province. Most caves are passed down through generations and are popular due to the easy excavation of the porous soil. Some caves have modern amenities. The earliest type of Chinese […]

Govt: What’s the role of people management?

Government personnel management aims to find effective employees, provide opportunities for learning and success, and create a valuable workforce. Each agency is responsible for filling positions with suitable candidates, and public sector employment should offer more than just working in a government environment. It should also train individuals to succeed elsewhere. People management in government […]

Transport options for disabled people?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in 1990, requiring public transportation companies in the US to provide accommodations for people with disabilities, including wheelchair accessibility and paratransit services. However, many people with disabilities still face challenges with transportation. Until the late 20th century, transportation options for people with disabilities in the US were […]

Are people superstitious about 13?

Skyscrapers in the US and UK often avoid labeling the 13th floor due to triskaidekaphobia. In Manhattan, over 13% of high-rise condos with over 90 stories call the 13th floor something else. Some use it for other purposes, such as mechanics or a pool floor. In Asian countries, floors with the number four are skipped […]

Do atomic bombs always scare people?

Las Vegas in the 1950s saw a strange mix of nuclear weapons and showgirls, with beauty pageant winners given nicknames like “Miss A-Bomb” and “Miss Atomic Blast”. The public was fascinated by the nuclear tests at the nearby Nevada Test Site, and beauty queens were crowned in conjunction with atomic test programs. In the 1950s, […]

Talking to deafblind people?

Various techniques can be used to communicate with deafblind people, including sign language, tactile signing, adapted signage, and palm printing. It is important to be sensitive to etiquette and the severity of the person’s condition when communicating. People who wish to communicate with deafblinds can do so in a number of ways. Techniques such as […]

What is “People Power”?

The People’s Power Revolution was a peaceful social revolution in the Philippines against the 20-year rule of President Ferdinand Marcos. Corazon Aquino launched a violence-free protest campaign to oust Marcos and was declared the winner of the snap presidential election. The revolution led to the resurgence of democracy in the Philippines and subsequent protests were […]

Do people type more with right or left hand?

The left hand is used for 56% of two-handed typing, which differs from hunt-and-peck style. Critics prefer alternatives like the Dvorak keyboard, which organizes keys by frequency of use. QWERTY has outlasted other designs. Average typing speed is 30-40 wpm, while Dvorak allows for over 400 words without leaving the middle or start line. About […]

How do people change from adolescence to adulthood?

Adolescence and adulthood are marked by physical changes, including height, strength, and reproductive organ development, as well as changes in the brain that lead to a broader perspective and more realistic worldviews. The transition between the two stages is typically from mid to late teens to early to mid-twenties, with the brain not fully developing […]

How does ringworm spread to people?

Ringworm is a contagious fungal infection that can be spread through skin-to-skin contact with infected humans or animals, as well as through contaminated surfaces and shared personal items. It is important to avoid skin-to-skin contact with infected individuals and to promptly treat infected animals to prevent the spread of the infection. Ringworm in humans is […]

Best exercises for obese people?

Overweight people should exercise to lose weight and stay healthy, but it can be difficult. Walking and swimming are recommended as they don’t stress joints. Before starting, visit a doctor for clearance and advice. Strength training is important, and water aerobics are a good option. Start slowly and gradually increase pace and difficulty. Exercise is […]

Alien life discovery: How would people react?

A study by Arizona State University found that people would generally react positively to the discovery of extraterrestrial microbes, although they were less sure about how their neighbors would feel. Another study by Glocalities found that 61% of respondents from 24 countries believe in life on other planets. What if people on Earth discovered that […]

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