What’s peripheral T-cell lymphoma?

Peripheral T-cell lymphoma is a rare and aggressive cancer affecting immune T cells. It is divided into two types by the World Health Organization and can progress rapidly, invading various parts of the body. Treatment includes chemotherapy, radiation, and other drugs, and clinical trials are being conducted to improve survival rates. Peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) […]

What’s peripheral vascular disease?

Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) affects arteries in the arms and legs, causing pain, weakness, and slow healing sores. It is caused by a buildup of plaque and is more common in men over 50, African Americans, and those with a family history of heart disease. Treatment includes quitting smoking, exercise, a balanced diet, medication, and […]

What’s Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is damage to the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord, caused by various factors. It can result in numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, and pain. Some conditions cause temporary damage, while others can be permanent and incurable. Treatment depends on the underlying cause, and some people may have lifelong symptoms. When a person […]

What’s peripheral nerve damage?

Peripheral nerve damage, also known as peripheral neuropathy, is an injury or malfunction to any of the body’s peripheral nerves outside the brain and spine. It can be caused by trauma, disease, inherited or developed disorders, vitamin or nutrient deficiencies, or cancers. Symptoms vary and can affect involuntary functions. Over 100 different types have been […]

What’s a peripheral nerve sheath tumor?

Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors are cancerous growths in the soft tissue lining of a nerve, often caused by neurofibromatosis. Symptoms include pain, weakness, and fatigue. Treatment may involve surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, with a good prognosis if caught early. A malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor is a cancerous growth that appears in the soft […]

What’s peripheral edema?

Peripheral edema is swelling in the extremities, commonly affecting the legs and feet, caused by fluid accumulation. It can be caused by aging, circulation problems, inflammation, medication, and other medical conditions. Treatment depends on identifying the underlying cause. Peripheral edema refers to swelling of the extremities of the body. It most commonly affects the legs […]

Causes of peripheral vision loss?

Loss of peripheral vision can be caused by various conditions, including retinal detachment, glaucoma, and migraines. It can also be a symptom of a stroke or brain tumor. Any sudden change in vision should be treated as a medical emergency and prompt attention sought. There are a variety of conditions that can lead to a […]

Idiopathic peripheral neuropathy: what is it?

Idiopathic peripheral neuropathy is nerve damage to the peripheral nervous system without a known cause. Symptoms include numbness, pain, and sensitivity. Diagnosis involves ruling out potential sources of nerve damage, and treatment depends on symptoms experienced. Recovery is slow and may not happen at all. Idiopathic peripheral neuropathy refers to a condition in which there […]

Causes of Blurred Peripheral Vision?

Blurred peripheral vision can be caused by various factors such as strokes, eye injuries, toxins, and malignant conditions. It’s important to seek medical treatment as it may be a symptom of serious medical conditions. An ophthalmologist can examine and provide treatments depending on the cause. Blurred peripheral vision can be caused by strokes, eye injuries, […]

Best treatment for peripheral neuropathy? How to choose?

Peripheral neuropathy causes numbness and pain in the hands and feet due to pressure or trauma on the nerves. Treatment includes pain relievers, antiepileptic and antidepressant drugs, and lidocaine patches. Treating the underlying cause can often relieve symptoms. Codeine pain relievers are effective but can cause addiction and side effects. Antiepileptic drugs and antidepressants can […]

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