Avg. person’s caffeine intake?

Caffeine consumption varies by country, with coffee being the main source in the US and Canada, while tea is the main source in the UK. Soft drinks and candy are the main sources for children, with an average intake of 150-200mg per day. Awareness and limitation of caffeine intake is important to avoid addiction. Caffeine […]

What’s the person’s spec?

A person specification is a summary of the ideal candidate for a job position, including required skills, education, and experience. It helps employers identify suitable candidates but must be created effectively to avoid legal consequences. Guidelines include avoiding irrelevant requirements and updating the specification periodically. When companies and organizations hire employees, many times, they create […]

Person’s urine output?

Urine production varies based on health, activity, and fluid intake. Clear urine means hydration, brown urine means dehydration, and sweet-smelling urine could indicate diabetes. Urine therapy is not scientifically proven, and urinating on jellyfish stings is a myth. Urine has been used for gunpowder, dyeing, and fertilizer, but the US Army advises against drinking it […]

What’s the SAD PERSONS scale?

The SAD PERSONS scale assesses the risk of suicide in patients, with each risk factor represented by a letter in the mnemonic. The scale is used for both adults and children, and a higher score indicates a higher risk of suicide. Medical students who used the scale showed an increased ability to determine patients’ risk […]

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