What’s the Social Phobia Inventory?

The Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) is a self-report tool that measures fear, avoidance, and physiological symptoms experienced in social situations. The test has a possible score between 0 and 68, with a cutoff score of 19 to differentiate between those with social phobia and those without. The SPIN is sensitive to the effects of treatment […]

What’s needle phobia?

Needle phobia is a fear of medical needles that can cause panic reactions and fainting. It is often related to traumatic medical experiences. Relaxation techniques may not be recommended, but laughing gas or topical pain relievers can help. It is important to inform medical personnel of severe needle phobia. Needle phobia, also called trypanophobia, is […]

What’s Blood Phobia?

Blood phobia is an intense and irrational fear of blood that can cause physical reactions such as nausea, dizziness, and fainting. It can be treated with relaxation training, applied tension, desensitization, and medication. The fear may be linked to personal trauma or genetics, and some experts believe it is an evolutionary mechanism. Blood phobia is […]

Buried alive fear: common phobia?

The fear of being buried alive has been around for centuries, with stories and inventions to prevent it. Today, high-tech safety coffins and films continue to show the fear’s prevalence. Phobias are common, but can be overcome with cognitive therapy. The possibility of being buried alive has terrified people for centuries, at least in part […]

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