Phosphorylation sites: what are they?

Phosphorylation is the addition or removal of a phosphate group on molecules, regulating proteins and pathways in cells. Kinases add phosphate groups, while phosphatases remove them. Serine/threonine protein kinases are important for extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs), which transmit extracellular signals and amplify them inside the cell. Protein phosphorylation assays use antibodies to determine differences in […]

Protein Phosphorylation: What is it?

Protein phosphorylation is the attachment of a phosphate group to a protein, altering its function. Protein kinase induces phosphorylation, and dephosphorylation reverses it. Phosphorylation is crucial for biological homeostasis and can be reversed by phosphatase. Protein phosphorylation is the attachment of a phosphate group (PO4) to a protein. The new phosphorus group alters the role […]

Phosphorylation level: how determined?

Phosphorylation levels of molecules can be determined through western blotting or mass spectrometry. Western blotting involves separating proteins by size and using antibodies to detect phosphates, while mass spectrometry converts proteins into ions to measure mass-to-charge ratio. Substrate phosphorylation also creates ATP molecules, and the level of phosphorylation correlates with the amount of phosphate required. […]

What’s ERK Phosphorylation?

ERK phosphorylation is a cell signaling pathway involved in cell survival and apoptosis. Malfunction can lead to abnormal and cancerous cells. ERK regulates cell survival and death, and its activation requires double phosphorylation by Tys and Thr. Pharmaceutical companies target ERK proteins in cancer treatment and use an ERK test to measure GPCR activation. In […]

Substrate phosphorylation: what is it?

Substrate phosphorylation is a process where cells produce ATP from ADP in glycolysis. An inorganic phosphate group is transferred to ADP from a more energetic molecule, creating ATP. This process occurs twice in glycolysis and is regulated by external factors and hormones. Substrate phosphorylation, also called substrate-level phosphorylation, is a biochemical process by which cells […]

What’s Kinase Phosphorylation?

Kinases transfer phosphate groups to substrates, activating cellular processes. Kinase phosphorylation involves protein kinases and coenzymes like ATP. Specific amino acids act as substrates, with serine being the most common. Dysfunctions in kinase phosphorylation can lead to uncontrolled cell growth and cancer. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors can block these malfunctions. Kinases are catalysing enzymes that transfer […]

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