Are pirates still around?

Modern piracy on the high seas costs the global economy billions of dollars, with hundreds of piracy attacks every year. Pirates target cargo aboard ships, including supertankers and cruise liners, and also attempt attacks on sailboats. Some nations experience quasi-military piracy. Piracy tends to be underreported, but some insurance companies are working with major shipping […]

Why famous: Pirates of the Caribbean?

During the Golden Age of Piracy, many pirates were hired by world powers like England and Spain to plunder ships, legalizing their actions and granting them a percentage of the loot. However, some pirates were greedy and killed everyone on board. Pirates were common thieves and assassins, and their legacy is often romanticized in modern […]

Did pirates hinder US metric adoption?

The US has not adopted the metric system, despite attempts since 1793. Thomas Jefferson sought trade uniformity with France’s ten-base system, but a scientist sent to explain it was taken prisoner by pirates and died in captivity. Myanmar and Liberia are the only other countries not to have officially adopted the metric system. The United […]

Why did pirates wear eye patches sans injury?

Pirates wore eye patches to help their eyes adjust to light and dark when moving quickly between ship decks. They didn’t always bury treasure, but spent their loot on women and alcohol. Pirate Henry Morgan even served as governor of Jamaica. It is thought that the reason pirates wore an eye patch even though they […]

Famous female pirates?

Female pirates have been overlooked in history despite their significant presence during the Age of Sailing. Anne Bonny and Mary Read were close friends and fierce fighters who escaped hanging by claiming pregnancy. Grace O’Malley ruled the west coast of Ireland and met Queen Elizabeth I. Ching Shih terrorized coastal China and accepted amnesty before […]

Pirates vs. Privateers: What’s the difference?

Pirates and privateers are often confused, but there is a clear distinction: pirates rob under nobody’s authority, while privateers act under a ruling nation. Privateers were employed by major countries to curb piracy and bring money home. Some experts consider them identical, as they both attacked ships and cities for plunder. Pirates could purchase letters […]

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