Anyone in Earth’s driest place?

The Atacama Desert in northern Chile is the driest place on Earth, sustained by aqueducts and ingenuity. Astronomers benefit from crystal clear skies, while farmers use drip irrigation to grow crops. The area’s frequent fog nurtures plant communities called lomas, but in the harshest areas, nothing grows. Chile’s main export used to be nitrate from […]

What’s Mise En Place?

Mise en place is a French culinary term referring to the preparation of precisely measured ingredients and utensils before cooking. It is commonly used in professional kitchens and can also be used in domestic kitchens for preparing multiple dishes. Mise en place is a French culinary phrase meaning “setting”. It refers to the preparation of […]

What’s Hall Place?

Hall Place is a Tudor-style home in London, built in 1537 by Sir John Champneys. It was later owned by Sir Robert Austen, Lady Limerick, and the Bexley Heritage Trust. Visitors can tour the house, gardens, and museum exhibits. The property features topiary sculptures, a Jacobean-style barn, and a restaurant. Admission is free, but guided […]

What’s “in place of a parent” mean?

“In loco parentis” is a Latin term used to describe the responsibilities and rights that schools and individuals have towards children in their care. It refers to how schools and school administrators are expected to act with respect to students and other minors, and is generally supported by the owners of a private institution or […]

What’s the meaning of “Know your place”?

The phrase “know your place” has various meanings, including showing respect to authority figures, not imposing on guests, and putting others before oneself. Its origins stem from strict rules of children being seen and not heard. However, it can also be used offensively towards women. Despite its negative connotations, knowing one’s place can have positive […]

What’s Place Branding?

Place branding is a marketing concept that promotes a geographical location by creating an image that makes consumers think of that place when they want to buy certain products or engage in certain activities. It requires identifying specific characteristics that are relevant to a given geographic area and careful planning to be successful. It can […]

“Meaning of ‘between a rock and a hard place’?”

“Between a rock and a hard place” is an idiom meaning to choose between two difficult options. Its origins trace back to Greek mythology, and it was first recorded in the US in 1921, possibly referring to the deportation of miners from Bisbee, Arizona. The expression is often used in situations where there are no […]

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