Pleistocene Australia’s animals?

Pleistocene Australia was home to many exotic animals, including the largest kangaroo and marsupial ever known, as well as giant flightless birds and reptiles like the ambush predator snake Wonambi and the dragon-like Megalania. Many of these animals went extinct when humans arrived on the continent, but some survived until the 19th century. Numerous exotic […]

Pleistocene fauna?

The Pleistocene epoch began 1.8 million years ago and ended 11,550 years ago, marked by cooling and numerous ice ages. Unique animals included mammoths, saber-toothed cats, and giant ground sloths. The adaptive conditions favored size, leading to Pleistocene megafauna. Human hunting is believed to have caused the extinction of most megafauna. The Pleistocene is the […]

What’s the Pleistocene?

The Pleistocene was a cold epoch with glaciations and megafauna, including mastodons and mammoths. Humans emerged and caused extinction of many species. Sea levels dropped during ice ages, revealing land that was later inhabited by humans. The end of the Pleistocene may have inspired Biblical flood stories. The Pleistocene is an epoch of the longer […]

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