PMS symptoms?

PMS is a syndrome caused by hormonal changes before menstruation. Symptoms include physical, emotional, and behavioral changes. Treatment can include medication, lifestyle changes, and therapy. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a syndrome that causes physical and emotional distress in some women days before the menstrual cycle begins. It is caused by the changes in the level […]

Hormones in PMS?

PMS is caused by hormonal fluctuations, specifically excess estrogen during the luteal phase. Symptoms include mood swings, breast tenderness, and physical changes. Medications can relieve symptoms, but there is no cure for PMS and symptoms tend to worsen over time. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is usually caused by hormonal fluctuations just before menstruation. More specifically, excess […]

PMS during menopause: possible?

PMS during menopause is technically impossible, but symptoms can continue during perimenopause. Hormonal changes can increase PMS symptoms, and irregular periods can make symptoms worse. Treatments include hormone therapy, natural hormone creams, therapy for depression, and a healthy lifestyle. Technically, it’s not possible to have PMS during menopause because true menopause means that your periods […]

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