What’s Pot. Chem. Energy?

Potential chemical energy is stored in materials and released through chemical reactions as heat or light. Strong bonds store less energy and require more energy to break, while weak bonds store more energy and require less energy to break. Fossil fuels contain large amounts of potential chemical energy, which is released through burning. Energy density […]

Multiculturalism vs melting pot: what’s the difference?

Multiculturalism and melting pot are different views on cultural diversity. Melting pot suggests blending into a dominant culture, while multiculturalism encourages separate cultural groups. The effects of a country’s chosen model depend on legislation. The US shifted from melting pot to multiculturalism in the 1980s due to tensions and questions about equality. Both multiculturalism and […]

Who’s Pol Pot?

Pol Pot, born Saloth Sar in 1925, was the Prime Minister of Cambodia from 1976 to 1978. He founded the Khmer Rouge movement, which aimed to create a socialist society in Cambodia. The movement broke from its communist roots to embrace Cambodian nationalism and Therewada Buddhism. Pol Pot came to power in 1975 and executed […]

Origins of “pot calls kettle black”?

“The pot calling the kettle black” accuses someone of hypocrisy. The phrase originated in medieval kitchens where pots and kettles were made of cast iron and blackened with use. The phrase has been used in literature, including Don Quixote and by Shakespeare. The phrase is not racist, as it refers to the color of the […]

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