What’s precision grinding?

Precision grinding is a manufacturing process used to finish metal parts to exact tolerances. It can be done on-site or outsourced. Techniques include Mattison and Blanchard grinding. Precision grinding is used in electronics, aerospace, and medical equipment production. Precision grinding careers usually begin with an apprenticeship or trade school. Rates of pay vary by region […]

What’s Precision Forging?

Precision forging is a refinement process that uses tight tolerances to shape metal to exceed industry standards, reducing waste and saving on materials and energy. However, it is costly and time-consuming, and reserved for high-quality products. Techniques such as metal temperature control, lubricants, and descaling may be used. In the metal forging process, a variety […]

What’s a Precision Machinist’s job?

Precision mechanics manufacture parts with low tolerances using manual labor or computer numerical control technology. They may work on prototypes, custom parts, or assembly lines, requiring technical training and attention to detail. Interpersonal communication skills are also important for supervising workers and ensuring customer satisfaction. A precision mechanic manufactures parts with very low tolerances for […]

What’s a precision lathe?

Precision lathes use computer software to create detailed objects from wood or metal with minimal waste. The lathe has a long history, with improvements made by the Egyptians, Romans, and Middle Ages. Motorized lathes were developed in the 19th century, and precision lathes with computer technology in the 20th century. Precision lathes can create accurate […]

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