What’s a Preferred Supplier?

Preferred suppliers are approved by companies and are the first choice for services. They must have a good reputation, be licensed and insured, and meet the company’s business practices. Companies may ask for concessions and may enter into preferred supplier agreements. The purchasing department manages relationships with preferred suppliers. A preferred supplier is a supplier […]

What’s a preferred provider org?

A PPO is a type of managed care organization that offers insurance plan members access to highly qualified medical professionals who have agreed to provide care at reduced prices. PPO plans provide greater benefits if the member uses in-network doctors and health care facilities. Members can choose to use non-plan doctors, but at a reduced […]

What’s a preferred supplier list?

The purchasing department creates and maintains a preferred supplier list to assist with order placement. The process for adding a vendor varies by organization, but typically involves a thorough review process and site inspection. The list is reevaluated every few years and supplier performance is monitored regularly. In most large organizations, the purchasing department is […]

What’s a preferred security of trust?

A preferred security by trust combines debt and equity attributes, with the issuer able to amortize early. A corporation establishes a guarantee to issue the security, creating a small bank company subject to misunderstandings. The issuer gains fiscal and accounting benefits, but the cost of establishing and operating the surety is high. Los valores preferentes […]

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