What’s a pres. folder?

Presentation folders hold loose materials and come in various types, but are distinguished by quality and price. They are used to aggregate related material and are made of premium materials. Customization options include stickers, direct printing, and specially designed folders for printing. A presentation folder is a piece of card folded in half to form […]

Pres. election: more voters than Super Bowl watchers?

More Americans watched the 2008 Super Bowl than voted in the presidential election. 148.3 million watched the Super Bowl and 133 million voted. Super Bowl viewership has broken records every year since. The 2008 election had low turnout, but not the lowest in recent history. 21 of the top 45 network primetime broadcasts were Super […]

Pres. vs. PM: What’s the diff?

The differences between a president and a prime minister vary depending on the country’s government and laws. A president is popularly elected and separate from the legislature, while a prime minister is usually a member of the legislature chosen by that legislature. In a parliamentary government, the prime minister is often appointed by the parliament […]

Pres. vs. king: what’s the diff?

Presidents and kings are heads of state, but differ in how they obtain their position. Kings inherit their position and can be absolute rulers or figureheads, while presidents are elected officials with term limits and associated with democratic systems. Dictators may falsely assume the title of president. Both presidents and kings are heads of state, […]

What’s Cult Pres. Software?

Worship presentation software is used to create multimedia presentations for churches. It integrates religious content and can be tailored to different denominations. It includes a library of religious clip art, videos, and texts, and allows users to add their own content. It can be used to reach the entire congregation and provide closed captioning for […]

Sales Pres. Software: What is it?

Sales submission software helps users create and file presentations easily. It has evolved from creating 35mm film slides to storing and viewing presentations directly from a computer. It can be used in various environments and can be enhanced with other devices and programs. Choosing the right software is a matter of personal taste and should […]

Video Pres. Software: What is it?

Video presentation software allows for the creation and presentation of videos in various formats. Examples include Apple iMovie, Adobe Visual Communicator, Microsoft PowerPoint, and proprietary products like Apple QuickTime and Microsoft Windows Media Player. These programs offer editing and export options, as well as the ability to combine video with other presentation elements. Video can […]

What’s Biz Pres Software?

Business presentation software allows users to create or view presentations in boardrooms or meeting rooms. Slideshow presentation is common, while other programs offer charts, graphs, and interactive media. The software offers benefits such as impressive graphics and ease of use, with options ranging from free to expensive. Business presentation software includes any software application that […]

What’s Cy Pres?

Cy pres is a legal doctrine allowing courts to modify the terms of a charitable trust when the original intent cannot be fulfilled. It can also be applied to redistribute unclaimed funds from class action lawsuits. The court substitutes a similar charitable object and must represent the original purpose. Critics argue judges should not spend […]

What’s a pres. report?

A presentation report evaluates personal information about a convicted criminal to help determine their sentence and incarceration circumstances. It includes details about their life, family, mental and physical health, employment, community work, and previous encounters with the law. The accuracy of the report is important, and the defense has the opportunity to object or dispute […]

Pres. English?

Former US President George W. Bush’s unique way of speaking, known as “President’s English” or “Bushisms,” is characterized by grammatical errors, malapropisms, and spoonerisms. While some find it amusing, others are embarrassed by it. Some suggest that it reflects a discomfort with formal English, while others believe that slips can happen to anyone. Bush’s English […]

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