Oxycodone abuse prevalence?

Oxycodone abuse is the non-medical use of the prescription opioid, which can include using it without a prescription, using someone else’s drug, or using more drugs than prescribed. Approximately 11 million people in the US use oxycodone non-medically each year, with the highest likelihood occurring in the late teens and early 20s. Addiction is difficult […]

Animal fear prevalence?

Zoophobia, or fear of animals, is a common fear, especially among children, and varies based on location and certain factors. Fear of specific animals is more common than fear of all animals, with spiders, birds, and bees being the most common fears. Severity of a phobia is based on unpredictability, dangerousness, disgust, and uncontrollability. Fear […]

CV disease prevalence?

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, with the highest prevalence in low- or moderate-income countries. The World Health Organization predicts an increase in deaths from cardiovascular disease, particularly in Southeast Asia and Eastern Mediterranean countries. Poverty, stress, and an aging population are contributing factors. Prevention includes a healthy diet, exercise, and avoiding […]

Maple syrup urine disease prevalence?

Maple syrup urine disease is a rare genetic disorder that causes sweet-smelling urine due to the body’s inability to break down certain amino acids. It can cause severe brain damage and even lead to life-threatening seizures or coma. Treatment involves a low protein diet and strict adherence to doctor’s guidelines. Maple syrup urine disease is […]

Men: Domestic violence prevalence?

Domestic violence against men is often underreported and comprises only 5-10% of official reports. Males continue to make up the largest group of domestic abusers, but this does not mean they cannot be physically or sexually abused by their partners. Machismo and masculinity can make it difficult for male victims to come forward, and responding […]

Sweatshop work prevalence?

The prevalence of sweatshops depends on the definition used, but experts estimate that around 50% of manufacturers, particularly in the apparel industry, employ labor. Many workplaces violate labor laws, and economic situations in poorer countries encourage employers to run businesses with minimal investment. Some economists argue that sweatshops are a necessity, while others believe declining […]

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